I would love to use my programmer as a standalone device, but I can't seem to actually flash anything without using the BDT app on my computer: The SW1 button does nothing.I'm trying to use my programmer as a standalone programmer, with my binary file already loaded in. I would like to just connect it to my target chip, and then press a button to flash the chip.
Loading the binary onto my programmer seems to go fine (done in the "Telink Burning and Debugging Tool (BDT)" version 5.8.2), but I can't seem to actually flash anything without using the BDT app on my computer: The SW1 button does nothing.
• Programmer: Telink TLSRGSOCBK56B (Burning EVK, no OLED screen).
• Target Chip: TLSR8251F512ET32 (selected as B80 in Telink BDT).
• Power Source: • When connected to PC via USB , the blue LED lights up • When connected to a USB power adapter (no PC), all 4 LEDs turn on , and nothing happens.
• Connections to Target Device: • EVK SWM → TLSR8251 SWS (debug pin) • EVK GND → Target GND • Target is battery-powered (I cannot disconnect it physically). • EVK Reset Pin (RST) is NOT connected to target. I also cannot manually reset it (can't reach it).
What Works • Flashing works via BDT GUI when the EVK is connected to a PC. • Firmware loads correctly into the EVK under the “EVK Offline Tool → User Bin” (selected as B80). • EVK mode can be changed using SW2 (toggles between green and blue LED).
• Pressing SW1 does nothing when trying to flash in offline mode.
What Doesn't Work
1. SW1 does not start offline flashing. • When pressing SW1 , nothing happens (no LED change, no flashing activity). • Tried holding SW1 for different durations (short press, long press). • Tried pressing SW2 first , then SW1—still no effect. • Tried making led blue light up then power cycling first - no difference
2. All LEDs light up when powered via USB adapter (no PC). • When connected to a PC, only 1 LED is ON (Blue or Green, depending on mode). • But when plugged into a USB power adapter , all 4 LEDs turn ON and remain lit. 3. Target device does not seem to reset or enter programming mode.