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Telink IoT Studio User Guide

Desktop shortcuts

The Telink IoT studio installer will create 2 shortcuts on the desktop:

  • Telink IoT studio: used to launch the IoT Studio.
  • Telink TC32 console: used to launch the development console for TLSR8, users can input commands like tc32-elf-gcc and make in it.

Different IDEs

The following 3 different IDEs will be referred to in this user guide:

  • Telink IoT studio: the IDE contains this document.
  • Telink old IDE: the IDE list on this wiki page (IDE for TLSR8 Chips) for TLSR8 chips.
  • Telink RDS IDE: the IDE list on this wiki page (IDE for TLSR9 Chips) for TLSR9 chips.

The above 3 IDEs have the following different desktop shortcut icons:

Telink IoT studio:

Telink IoT studio Icon

Telink old IDE:

Telink Old IDE for TLSR8 Icon

Telink RDS IDE:

Telink RDS IDE for TLSR9 Icon

IoT Studio or integrated tools

  • Build TLSR8 Projects and SDK
  • Import and build TLSR9 Telink RDS Projects and SDK
  • Telink Windows BDT used to flash image for both TLSR8 and TLSR9
  • Telink libUsb version BDT used to flash image for both TLSR8 and TLSR9, still in beta phase.
  • Jtag_Burn used to flash image for TLSR9 with JTAG

Ext HW DSP option

This option is used to configure whether to use the DSP and its libraries:

DSP option in Telink IoT studio

This option would add -mext-dsp flag to cc and ld, and also it would add -lm and -ldsp flags to linker in Telink RDS IDE. While the Telink IoT studio would only add -mext-dsp flag to cc and ld without the -lm and -ldsp extra libraries flags. This makes the configuration more flexible.

Users can add the math and dsp libraries to linker specifically on the linker library setting page:

Add DSP libraries in Telink IoT studio

-msave-restore and -msmall-data-limit

The Telink RDS IDE uses the IoT Studio built-in (default) value for both -msave-restore and -msmall-data-limit without options on configuration page, while the Telink IoT studio has a more flexible configuration for these options.

Right now, users should use the Use toolchain default value option for TLSR9 chips.

RISC-V specific option on Telink IoT studio


Toolchain information

The Telink IoT studio contains several toolchains for TLSR8 and TLSR9:

  • Telink TC32 Cross Compiler with GCC version 4.5.1 (tc32-elf) for TLSR8 which is the same as the Telink old IDE.
  • Cross Compiler with GCC version 7.4 from Telink RDS IDE V3.2.3 for TLSR9 (D25F and N22 architecture) chips
  • Cross Compiler with GCC version 10.3 from Telink RDS IDE V5.1.2 for TLSR9 (D25F and N22 architecture) chips
  • Cross Compiler with GCC version 12.2 from Telink RDS IDE V5.3.0 for TLSR9 (D25F and N22 architecture) chips

Toolchain location

We assume that the Telink IoT studio is installed at location $IoTStudio:

  • Telink TC32 Cross Compiler with GCC version 4.5.1 (tc32-elf-1.5) for TLSR8: $IoTStudio/opt/tc32/bin
  • Cross Compiler with GCC version 7.4 from Telink RDS IDE V3.2.3 for TLSR9 (D25F and N22 architecture) chips
  • N22: $IoTStudio/RDS/V3.2.3/toolchains/nds32le-elf-mculib-v5
  • D25F: $IoTStudio/RDS/V3.2.3/toolchains/nds32le-elf-mculib-v5f
  • Cross Compiler with GCC version 10.3 from Telink RDS IDE V5.1.2 for TLSR9 (D25F and N22 architecture) chips
  • N22: $IoTStudio/RDS/V5.1.2/toolchains/nds32le-elf-mculib-v5
  • D25F: $IoTStudio/RDS/V5.1.2/toolchains/nds32le-elf-mculib-v5f
  • Cross Compiler with GCC version 12.2 from Telink RDS IDE V5.3.0 for TLSR9 (D25F and N22 architecture) chips
  • N22: $IoTStudio/RDS/V5.3.0/toolchains/nds32le-elf-mculib-v5
  • D25F: $IoTStudio/RDS/V5.3.0/toolchains/nds32le-elf-mculib-v5f

Select a different toolchain for TLSR9 projects

As only one toolchain is included for TLSR8, this section is only applied to TLSR9 chips.

To change the toolchain of a project, open the project properties, navigate to C/C++ Build --> Settings --> Toolchains tab, and select the different one from the drop-down list:

Select Toolchain

The listed toolchains are:

  • Telink TLSR9 D25F GCC: for D25F architecture chips, from RDS V3.2.3
  • Telink TLSR9 D25F GCC 7: same as Telink TLSR9 D25F GCC
  • Telink TLSR9 D25F GCC 10: for D25F architecture chips, from RDS V5.1.2
  • Telink TLSR9 V5F GCC 12: for D25F architecture chips, from RDS V5.3.0
  • Telink TLSR9 N22 GCC: for N22 architecture chips, from RDS V3.2.3
  • Telink TLSR9 N22 GCC 7: same as Telink TLSR9 N22 GCC
  • Telink TLSR9 D25F GCC 10: for N22 architecture chips, from RDS V5.1.2
  • Telink TLSR9 V5 GCC 12: for N22 architecture chips, from RDS V5.3.0

Advanced usage: toolchain setting according to path

Normally, users shouldn't set the toolchain by changing toolchain path. Instead, a toolchain should be set with the method mentioned in the previous section: Select a different toolchain for TLSR9 projects.

This section is for advanced users with special requirements.

Open the project property dialog by clicking the Property menu item on right and click the pop-up menu on the project:

Switch to the C/C++ Build --> Settings --> Toolchains tab:

Toolchain setting

Click the global link text which is surrounded in red square block.

Set the path string in the line edit.

Set Toolchain path

Normally, users would only be required to change the version and the suffix which are marked with red lines.

The first red line marks the toolchain base version string (in the image it is V3.2.3) of the toolchain, users can change it to one of the following items:

  • V3.2.3: from Telink RDS IDE V3.2.3
  • V5.1.2: from Telink RDS IDE V5.1.2
  • V5.3.0: from Telink RDS IDE V5.3.0

The second red line indicates the version of the toolchain variants string (in the image it is nds32le-elf-mculib-v5f) of the toolchain, users can change it to one of the following items:

  • nds32le-elf-mculib-v5f: for Telink TLSR9 D25F chips
  • nds32le-elf-mculib-v5: for Telink TLSR9 N22 chips

Once the toolchain path variable has been changed, click the apply and close button to save it.

Import and build projects


Telink IoT studio supports SDK or projects import function like the Telink old IDE.

Users can use the File -> Import... to import SDK or projects:


Users can refer to this Telink wiki page.


For Telink RDS IDE format projects( for example, the SDKs for TLSR9 chips at Telink official wiki page), it must be converted to Telink IoT studio format before importing it into the workspace.

Users can refer to the following RDS to IDE converter section on Telink menu chapter to view how to do it.

RDS to IoT Studio converter

If you get the SDK or projects for TLSR9 chip B91 from Telink official wiki page, they are in Telink RDS IDE format, you can use this function to convert it to Telink IoT studio format before importing it into Telink IoT studio, and SDK or projects of B92 do not require conversion.

Click the Telink RDS to IDE Converter in Telink menu:

Telink Menu

Click the Select .cproject file button in the dialog to choose the Telink RDS IDE format .cproject file.

In Linux OS, users can use Ctrl + h or other shortcut keys to show the hide files (.cproject), and the filter should be changed to *:

Linux Select cproject

If a .cproject file has been selected, it will display the file path:

Telink project converter

Then click the convert button, the result would show on the large text block:

Converter result

If it is fails, the background of log text block would be set to red. Users can copy and send the log to Telink IoT studio developer/FAE to get support.

Using converter as a standalone utility

The converter can be used as a standalone utility, users can use it in command line.

The converter is installed at:

  • Windows: $IoTStudio_PATH/tools/Converter/TelinkRDS2IDE.exe
  • Linux: $IoTStudio_PATH/tools/Converter/TelinkRDS2IDE

To convert a .cproject file from command line in Windows OS, users can use following the command:

$IoTStudio_PATH/tools/Converter/TelinkRDS2IDE.exe Path/To/.cproject

In Linux OS:

$IoTStudio_PATH/tools/Converter/TelinkRDS2IDE Path/To/.cproject


The converted project (.cproject) would set the toolchain to Telink TLSR9 D25F GCC by default, which will use the Telink RDS IDE 7.4 GCC Cross compiler for D25F.

If you need to convert the Telink IoTStudio project to a cmake project, you can use the tool shown in the following figure.

First, you need to double-click to select the project you want to convert, and then click Telink IoTStudio to Cmake in Telink menu.

Telink IoTStuio to Cmake

You can choose whether to generate the settings.json file required for the VS Code project. Click Convert to obtain the CMakelists.txt and settings.json files, and the log will indicate their location.

Telink IoStudio to Cmake UI

Jtag burn menu

The Jtag_Burn function is similar to the Telink RDS IDE Jtag_Burn function, both use the JTAG to burn the image to TLSR9X chips.

Except for the Jtag_Burn, TLSR9 can be burned with Windows BDT software through SWS protocol with Burning EVK, which is the recommended option.

The SWS protocol requires only one GPIO to flash the binary image to TLSR8 and TLSR9 chips, while the JTAG uses 2 or 4 GPIO pins for TLSR9 chips.


Once the Jtag_Burn dialog has been opened, users can fill or set parameters for Jtag_Burn and ICEMan:

Jtag burn dialog

Parameters for Jtag_Burn can be set in Jtag_Burn driver Arguments.

Use ICEMan in Jtag_Burn dialog

ICEMan is a tool to manage the TLSR9 JTAG ICE (support 4-wire and 2-wire mode).

Users can refer to the document files in the doc directory to get more information.

ICEMan in Jtag_Burn ELF setting

Users can set the other ICEMan and Jtag_Burn ELF from Flashing Drivers and ICEMan section, the set/selected value will be saved and reused in next re-opening the dialog.

The normal ELF files' names are listed for reference:

  • ICEMan: ICEMan.exe in Windows, and ICEMan on Linux OS
  • Jtag_Burn: Jtag_Burn.exe in Windows, and Jtag_Burn on Linux OS

Burn Program

When burning the program, pay attention to burner's path and chip type, and then click Start ICEman. After ICEman is ready, the telnet_port and burner_port should be consistent with ICEman's, then click Burn, as shown below:

Jtag burn

Jtag_ Burn is located in the $IoTStudio_PATH/RDS/V3.2.3/flash/directory, and its help documents are also in the same directory.

Security Download

If you need to use the security download function of Jtag_Burn, check the encrypt checkbox

Jtag Burn Encrypt

In this sub-menu, users can quickly visit Telink websites for development resources or information:

  • Telink forum
  • Telink wiki
  • Telink official webpage

Telink Links

Telink tools launcher

libusb version BDT

The libusb version BDT is a new burning tool which is similar to Windows BDT for Windows OS and Linux OS, but this tool requires Burning EVK with new firmware. This tool can be used to flash the image to TLSR8 and TLSR9 chips through SWS. This tool is still in the beta phase. If this tool is not working on some Windows OS, use the Windows BDT (mentioned in the following Windows BDT section) instead.

Users can launch this tool and click the help on libUSB BDT menu to learn how to use it.

Clicking this menu entry would open the libusb version of BDT and pass the artifact bin path to it if a project has been selected and the artifact has been found, so users do not require to copy the artifact path manually:

Open libUSB BDT with artifact Path

If no project is selected, a error dialog would show, users can close it, the libusb BDT program would be started normally as well:

Open libUSB BDT without artifact Path

Toolchain shell or ICEMan shell menu entry

This is a submenu, it has several menu entries to start the toolchain console or ICEMan console, users can input commands (for example: riscv-elf-gcc or ICEMan) in these shells.

It is worth noting that we provide two versions of ICEman. Under ${IoTStudio_Path}/RDS/V5.1.2/ice_cygwin_from_andes/, there is the original version of ICEman, while under ${IoTStudio_Path}/RDS/V5.1.2/ice/, there is a new version of ICEman used by IoTStudio by default. It has made some modifications to match the functionality of IoTStudio and currently does not support IPv6.


Windows BDT

The Windows BDT (SWS and JTAG) menu item would open the standalone program Windows BDT. Users can use this tool to flash or debug the TLSR8 and TLSR9 chips.

Refer to this wiki page on how to use it.

Open artifact path

There's an icon on the toolbar used to open the artifact directory:

Open artifact path

It wouldn't work if the project was not properly configured (the .cproject file), this occurs in many old TLSR8 SDKs.

While most TLSR9 SDK projects work as expected.


The project or project file must be selected before clicking the icon, otherwise it will not work.

Copy artifact path

The Telink IoT studio added a handy menu entry to help users copy the artifact path:

Copy artifact path

Users can click this icon to copy the artifact path to the system clipboard.


The project or project file must be selected before clicking the icon, otherwise it will not work.

In other places

The Copy artifact path menu entry also shows at toolbar and right-click the pop-up menu:

Copy artifact path on Toolbar

Copy artifact path on pop-up menu

Search on DocSite

This tool can be used to search for specific keywords in the Telink Document Center website. Double click a keyword in the project file and click 'Search on DocSite' to jump to the Document Center search page.


doc site

Common compiling error

This type of error would occur when link script file path is in relative format. This wouldn't be an issue in Telink RDS IDE, but there will be an error in Telink IoT studio.

The error log would hint like the following:

Link error

To resolve this problem, users can open the project property, then navigate to linker's General page of Tool Settings tab as following image, then double click the link script file:

Link file path

On opened dialog, select it from workspace:

Link file select

Click OK and apply and close button, and rebuild the project to check the results.

Other plugins or functions

This plugin is used to format the code/file with format shortcut or saving a file with clang-format.

Use as formatter

To use it in formatter, users should set the Telink Formatter as the default formatter. Open the setting from the menu Windows --> Preference --> C/C++ --> Code style --> Formatter, select the TelinkFormatter in Code Formatter: list, then click the Apply and Close button:

Formatter setting

Afterwards users can press the shortcut keys (by default, it's Ctrl+Shift+F) on any openned source code file editor, a dialog would show, uses click the corronsponding button and option to confirm:

Formatter hint

After the Telink Formatter has formatted the code/file, users can view the logs on the Telink Formatter output console for details (notice that the log function should be enabled in the TelinkFormatter Preference dialog, check the following guide):

Formatter console output after formmtting

Trigger with saving event(recommanded method)

The formatter can be triggered when a file or multiple files are saving, this requires the selection of the function in TelinkFormat setting(through the menu Windows --> Preference --> C/C++ --> TelinkFormatter ):

Telink Formatter Preference

After the Telink Formatter has formatted the code/file, users can view the logs on the Telink Formatter output console for details if the log has been enabled in setting:

Formatter console output after saving

Known issue

Save button is disabled at the first time

The "Save" button is int disabled state when a file is modified at the first time. After save it using "CTRL+S" ( or File --> Save , or with Save all menu-item/button ), modify this file again, it will become enabled state.

Easy Shell

This plugin allows to open a shell window or file manager from the pop-up menu in the navigation tree or editor view. Additionally, it is possible to run selected files in the shell, copy file or directory path or run user defined external tools.

Easy Shell


A calculator with lots of functions, including:

  • Display of the calculation in base-n numbers
  • Standard, scientific and trigonometric calculation
  • Enter arithmetic expressions naturally

Users can open it from the menu: Window --> Show view --> other..., then input Ecalculator to search and open it:


Terminal in Eclipse

The terminal can be used for inputting git commands and serial debugging.

Users can open it from the menu Window --> Show View --> Terminal:

Terminal Selection

Terminal for Serial

If your serial debugging log output frequency is very fast, use other dedicated tools instead.

Binary Viewer

This plugin is used to open the binary files:

Binary Viewer

Users can double-click a binary file to open and view it in IoT Studio.


Error 127 when compiling the code

This error would give the Error 127 at console window:


This issue is caused by the incorrect setting of the build tool version, setting the correct build tool version would fix this problem.

Not found make in PATH or nothing to build when building

These problems are normally caused by importing the Telink RDS IDE format projects to Telink IoT studio directly without converting.

To resolve this problem, remove the project and convert it to Telink IoT studio before importing.

Orphaned configuration and no options on Settings tab

When this occurs, the properties of the project would be like the following:

Orphaned configuration

This problem is caused by the same reason as previous FAQ, converting Telink RDS format project before importing it.

How to verify the current used toolchain gcc version for TLSR9

Users can set the following command to post command in project properties:

GCC version setting in Post command

Then build the project, the console will output the GCC version:

Verify the GCC version

How to verify current used make tools

Users can set following command (echo "${PATH}") to post command in project properties:

Make tool setting in Post command

Then build the project, the console will output the path that the first one is the make tool path:

Verify the make tool path

In the above example result, the make tool path is C:\TelinkIDE\RDS\V3.2.3\cygwin\bin with base version V3.2.3.

Permission problem

The user should open Telink TC32 console with the privileges of administrator.

Known issues

Save button is disabled at the first time

Use the Ctrl+S or menu item File --> Save , or click the Save All button/menu-item or use Ctrl + Shift +S. The save button would become enabled state in the following modifications.

This is caused by Telink Formatter plugin.

IoT Studio exits if users click the Open artifact path multiple times

This occurs in that the IoT Studio cannot find the artifact path. Users should avoid clicking the toolbar icon Open artifact path multiple times in a short time.

IoT Studio will block for a while after importing project and changing toolchain

This is a normal case as the IoT Studio would take a while to do the code indexing and scan compiler files (for example the toolchain system header files and directories).

This procedure would take a few seconds. Users should wait for this job done before other operations (eg: building). This is a one-shot action, it will happen on toolchain changing settings or importing projects.

The size of generated artifacts are zero

This issue will occur if users start to build a configuration when the project is just imported and the makefile hasn't been generated fully.

When this happens, a log similar to the following example would display on the console log window:

Artifact size is 0

To resolve this problem, users should wait a few seconds then build the configuration again.

To avoid this issue, users should wait for the makefiles to be generated and the indexing to be finished. The process can be viewed at the right bottom of the IoT Studio:

IoT Studio is busy

This issue will occur if users do not select any project. To avoid this issue, select a project before clicking the telink drop-down menu.

The problem that the source file cannot be found in debugging

In the process of debugging, there may be an error that the source file cannot be found. At this time, click Edit Source Path... , as shown below:


Then follow the instructions in Chapter Edit Path Mapping to configure path mapping.

IoT Studio settings

Hide print margin

The print margin will show in default, which is a vertical line in the code editor:

Print margin in text editor

If you want to hide it, you can uncheck the Show print margin option on the Text Editors page of preferences.

Configure the print margin

IoT Studio Debug Tool For TLSR9

Note: This jtag debug tool is only used for TLSR9 series chips.

Build debuggable programs

To use the debugging function, when building an executable file, add the -g option to the compilation options, and pay attention to check the compiler and linker parameters, and delete all the -O options.

And the optimization option should be selected as -Og, and cannot be set to -O0, because in the test, it is found that the program compiled with the -O0 option cannot run normally after downloading, and the following error will occur when trying to download again:

Jtag Burn err

In the process of building the program, you may encounter syntax errors like the one shown in the figure below. The solution is to delete options such as -Wall -Werror of the compiler (also pay attention to checking the parameters of assembler and linker):

syntax err

delete option

One thing to note is that when building the V5.1.2 N22 program, because of the tool chain, when using the GCC 10 version of the N22 tool chain, delete the -mabi=ilp32f option (also pay attention to check the parameters of assembler and linker).


Burn program

When burning the program, pay attention to burner's path and chip type, and then click Start ICEman. After ICEman is ready, the telnet_port and burner_port should be consistent with ICEman's, then click Burn, as shown below:

Jtag burn

Jtag_ Burn is located in the $IoTStudio_PATH/RDS/V3.2.3/flash/directory, and its help documents are also in the same directory.

Before starting debugging, you must ensure that the elf file you want to use is selected, as shown in the figure.

Select ELF

Then click the drop-down arrow of the Debug icon on the toolbar and select Debug Configuration.


Double clicking on Telink ICEMan GDB Debugging, and a default debug configuration will be generated. You can choose whether you need an ICEman interface in the Debugger tab, as shown in the figure.

ICEman interface


At present, TLSR9 series SoC supports up to two hardware breakpoints. When you find that the starting address of your program is 0x20000000, it means that it is running in flash and needs to use hardware breakpoints. Commands such as step in or step over will use a breakpoint, so users can only customize one breakpoint when debugging, otherwise an exception will occur.

When a cannot access memory at address xx exception occurs during debugging, you can use the info br command to check the number of breakpoints.

Independent use of some tools in the IoT Studio


The purpose of this tool is to convert the project file format of the original Telink RDS IDE to the current Telink IoT Studio project format.

To use it on the command line, you should switch to the directory of the .cproject file that needs to be converted, and executing $(converter_path)/TelinkRDS2IDE in this directory.

The directory where the converter is located is the $IoTStudio_PATH/tools/Converter/.

For example:

converter cmd

Jtag Burn

The function of this tool is to burn and write binary files into the TLSR9 chip. Before using it, you need to first use ICEman. The Jtag Burn tool is located in the $IoTStudio_PATH/RDS/V3.2.3/flash/, and the user manual is also in this directory. The following is a example of usage:

./Jtag_Burn --chip B92 --reset-and-run --verify --addr 0 --image /home/wang/UART_Demo.bin --port 2354 --telnet_port 4444 --unlock

The parameter of --port and --telnet_port should be same with the parameter of ICEman's Burner port and telnet port. If you see the running results of ICEman indicating its Burner Port is 2354 and its telnet port is 4444 (as shown in the following figure):

ICEman defalut port

In this case, you can run the Jtag_Burn without --port and --telnet_port.

Installation and uninstallation of IoTStudio in linux


In linux, run the installation program "" to install the IoTStudio. You can give it executable permissions and run it. During the execution, the user needs to enter the installation path. Be sure to enter the absolute path, as shown in the figure below.


After the program execution ends, you need to execute the command given at the end of the program to complete the installation.

Post of installation


In the IoTStudio installation directory, there is an file that can be used to uninstall IoTStudio. You can give it executable permissions and run it. Users need to pass the path of IoTStudio's .desktop file as a parameter to Note that there may be a TelinkIoTStudio.desktop file in the installation directory, do not use it as a parameter. You should use the .desktop file with the version number and you can refer to the following example.

./ /home/wang/IDE2308/TelinkIoTStudio_2023.8.desktop


Docs for AndeSight

We have provided the relevant documents for AndeSight, which include the usage documents for Andes Riscv toolchain and other tools. You can find them in the path below according to your needs.

  • ${IoTStudio_Path}/doc/Andes_V323_doc/ : Docs for AndeSight V3.2.3
  • ${IoTStudio_Path}/doc/Andes_V512_doc/ : Docs for AndeSight V5.1.2
  • ${IoTStudio_Path}/doc/Andes_V530_doc/ : Docs for AndeSight V5.3.0