
Matter Developer Guide


This document provides comprehensive guidance on the Telink Matter solution, which includes subjects such as environment setup, Matter device firmware building and flashing, Border Router setup (including RCP building and flashing), building and usage of chip-tool, etc.

Ecosystems compatibility and limitations

Supported platforms

Telink Matter solution is compatible with the following ecosystems:

  • apple home Apple Home (iOS)

  • google home Google Home (iOS/Android)

  • alexa Amazon Alexa (iOS/Android)

  • smart things Samsung Smart Things (iOS/Android)


  • Apple (iOS): When a Matter device is added to the Apple Home or other ecosystem Home app that utilizes Apple Home APIs, two fabrics are added: one for the Home app and the other for the Apple keychain. To completely remove a device, users need to manually remove device (fabric 1) from the Apple keychain via the Apple settings menu and also remove the device (fabric 2) from the Home app.

  • Google: Please refer to the official list of unsupported features.

  • Amazon: Alexa integration requires the rotation device ID, which is already enabled by default in the Telink Matter solution. Additionally, it requires Thread Networks scaning during commissioning (BLE session). To accommodate this requirement, Thread Networks pre-scanning is performed before starting BLE due to the limitation of non-cuncurrent mode.

  • Samsung: Compatibility with Samsung devices depend on the OS being used. It inherits Apple/Google limitations, as it operates through OS APIs.

Certified partnership

  • CSA: Telink is a dedicated member of the CSA and is committed to the Matter connectivity standard. Telink aims to enhance compatibility across smart home devices. Several end-products built on Telink's Matter over Thread solution have successfully secured Matter v1.0 and v1.1 certifications from CSA. You can view our latest Matter v1.1 certification here:
    CSA Matter v1.1 Certification for Telink TLSR9218.

  • Google: Telink is an approved vendor for Matter v1.0 in Google Home with the Lighting app. All related information can be found at Google's Developer Center.

  • Amazon: our Lighting app has passed the Amazon MSS (Matter Simple Setup for Thread) certification and will be added as part of Amazon documentation as a certified partner. Therefore, our clients will be able to take advantage of our certified Matter SDK solution and go through a reduced scope certification process.
    Please use Telink Matter SDK FFS APID GG8q as a reference APID when creating your FFS Matter product.

Required Equipment


  • 1 TLSR9518ADK80D as Matter device.
  • 2 TLSR9518ADK80D as RCP (Radio CoProcessor).
  • 3 RaspberryPi4 or higher, as part of border router. In case you want to use RaspberryPi3, additional work is needed. See "Using Raspberry Pi3 with internal UART" for more details.
  • 4 SD card for RPi. At least 8 GB.
  • 5 Host PC with Debian based distro (like Ubuntu v20.04 LTS and later) which will be used as a build machine and as host for Matter device.
  • 6 Telink JTAG programmer to program Matter device and RCP.
  • 7 Wi-Fi Router that act as Wi-Fi Access Point.

Environment Setup

Brief Environment Setup

Docker Setup

To simplify Zephyr environment setup in sections 3.2.1 and 3.2.3, you can use an existing Docker image with a ready-to-use environment.

Run the Docker container (this will take a while to complete the first time):

For latest Matter master branch use the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/host -w /host ghcr.io/project-chip/chip-build-telink:$(wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/master/.github/workflows/examples-telink.yaml 2> /dev/null | grep chip-build-telink | awk -F: '{print $NF}')

For Matter v1.1-branch and v1.0-branch branch use the following command:

docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/host -w /host connectedhomeip/chip-build-telink:$(wget -q -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/v1.0-branch/.github/workflows/examples-telink.yaml 2> /dev/null | grep chip-build-telink | awk -F: '{print $NF}')

You can find the compatible Docker image version in the file:


Matter Setup

  1. Setup Dependencies:

    In a new terminal, follow Step 1 in
    3.2.2 Matter project setup to set up the necessary dependencies.

  2. Matter Project:

    In the Docker container follow Steps 2-4 in
    3.2.2 Matter project setup to clone Matter
    repository into a clean folder, update submodules for Telink platform and run bootstrap.

Then, follow the instruction in Chapter 4. Matter Firmware to build the firmware.

Manual Environment Setup

Zephyr Project Setup

Before proceeding with the following steps, execute APT update and upgrade:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
  1. Install Dependencies:

    wget https://apt.kitware.com/kitware-archive.sh
    sudo bash kitware-archive.sh
    sudo apt install --no-install-recommends git cmake ninja-build gperf \
    ccache dfu-util device-tree-compiler \
    python3-dev python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-tk python3-wheel xz-utils file \
    make gcc gcc-multilib g++-multilib libsdl2-dev

    Zephyr requires minimum versions of key dependencies, such as
    CMake (3.20.0), Python3 (3.6), and Devicetree compiler (1.4.6).

    cmake --version
    python3 --version
    dtc --version

    Verify that these dependencies match the required versions on your system. If not, update them manually or switch to a stable APT mirror.

  2. Install West:

    pip3 install --user -U west
    echo 'export PATH=~/.local/bin:"$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
    source ~/.bashrc

    Make sure ~/.local/bin is on $PATH environment variable.

  3. Get the Zephyr Source Code:

    west init ~/zephyrproject
    cd ~/zephyrproject
    west update
    west blobs fetch hal_telink
    west zephyr-export

    The command west blobs fetch hal_telink is necessary only for Matter master branch and new releases.

    Note that fetching the Zephyr source code using
    west init ~/zephyrproject and west update may take additional time within mainland China. Moreover, some project may fail to update from foreign
    Consider alternative methods for downloading the latest source code.

  4. Install Additional Python Dependencies for Zephyr:

    pip3 install --user -r ~/zephyrproject/zephyr/scripts/requirements.txt
  5. Setup Toolchain:

    Download Zephyr toolchain (approximately 1~2 GB) into a local directory to enable flashing most boards.
    This process may take extra time within mainland China.

    For latest master branch use Zephyr SDK v0.16.1:

    Minimal SDK:

    wget https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v0.16.1/zephyr-sdk-0.16.1_linux-x86_64_minimal.tar.xz
    wget -O - https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v0.16.1/sha256.sum | shasum --check --ignore-missing
    tar xvf zephyr-sdk-0.16.1_linux-x86_64_minimal.tar.xz
    cd zephyr-sdk-0.16.1
    ./setup.sh -t riscv64-zephyr-elf -h -c

    Full SDK:

    wget https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v0.16.1/zephyr-sdk-0.16.1_linux-x86_64.tar.xz
    wget -O - https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v0.16.1/sha256.sum | shasum --check --ignore-missing
    tar xvf zephyr-sdk-0.16.1_linux-x86_64.tar.xz
    cd zephyr-sdk-0.16.1
    ./setup.sh -t riscv64-zephyr-elf -h -c

    For v1.1-branch used Zephyr SDK v0.15.2:

    For v1.0-branch used Zephyr SDK v0.13.2:

    wget https://github.com/zephyrproject-rtos/sdk-ng/releases/download/v0.13.2/zephyr-sdk-0.13.2-linux-x86_64-setup.run
    chmod +x zephyr-sdk-0.13.2-linux-x86_64-setup.run
    ./zephyr-sdk-0.13.2-linux-x86_64-setup.run -- -d ~/.local/zephyr-sdk-0.13.2

    You can find the compatible Zephyr SDK version in the file (depends on Matter version):




    Download Zephyr SDK and install it in recommended path as below:


    Where [-x.y.z] is optional text, and can be any text, for example,
    You cannot move the SDK directory after you have installed it.

  6. Build Hello World Sample

    Before proceeding with the custom project setup, please verify that the official Zephyr project configuration is correct using the Hello World sample:

    cd ~/zephyrproject/zephyr
    west build -p auto -b tlsr9518adk80d samples/hello_world

    Build the hello_world example with west build command from the root
    of the Zephyr repository.
    You can find firmware called zephyr.bin under build/zephyr

  7. Add Zephyr Environment Script to ~/.bashrc.

    Here is the difference between the previously added and the newly added:

    + source ~/zephyrproject/zephyr/zephyr-env.sh

    You can add the above line using the editor such as vi/vim or execute the
    following command in bash:

    echo "source ~/zephyrproject/zephyr/zephyr-env.sh" >> ~/.bashrc

    Execute the following line to activate the updated shell environment

    source ~/.bashrc
  8. Add Telink Zephyr Remote Repository:

    Download the Telink repository locally as the develop branch and update this
    For Matter 1.0-release branch use telink_matter_v1.0-branch!

    cd ~/zephyrproject/zephyr
    git remote add telink https://github.com/telink-semi/zephyr
    git fetch telink develop
    git checkout develop
    cd ..
    west update
    west blobs fetch hal_telink

    The command west blobs fetch hal_telink is needed only for Matter master branch.
    This update may take extra time within mainland China.

For more information, you can refer to https://docs.zephyrproject.org/latest/getting_started/index.html

Matter project setup

  1. Setup Dependencies:

    sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ pkg-config libssl-dev libdbus-1-dev \
    libglib2.0-dev libavahi-client-dev ninja-build python3-venv python3-dev \
    python3-pip unzip libgirepository1.0-dev libcairo2-dev libreadline-dev
  2. Clone Matter Project:

    Clone the Matter project to your local directory, e.g., /home/${YOUR_USERNAME}/workspace/matter.

    git clone https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip

    This clone may take extra time within mainland China.

  3. Update Submodules:

    Enter the repository root directory and update submodules:

    cd ./connectedhomeip
    ./scripts/checkout_submodules.py --platform telink
  4. Do Bootstrap:

    Download and install packages into local for Matter. It usually takes a
    long time when running it for the first time.

    source ./scripts/activate.sh -p all,telink

    This step will generate an invisible folder called .environment
    under the Matter root directory connectedhomeip.
    It may cost extra time or encounter failure within mainland China.

INFO: In case of any troubles with Matter build environment you may try the following:

  • Remove the environment (in the root directory of the Matter project):

    rm -rf .environment
  • Redo the bootstrap once again:

    source ./scripts/activate.sh -p all,telink
  1. Install ZAP CLI Tool (only for the master branch):

    According to Matter documentation, ZAP is installed by the bootstrap.sh script.
    More information can be found here:

Telink Flashing Tool Setup

  1. Download Toolchain:

    Download and unzip the Telink flasher into your local directory, e.g. ~,
    to allow you to flash Zephyr into a Telink board.

    Windows (GUI version):

    wget https://wiki.telink-semi.cn/tools_and_sdk/Tools/BDT/BDT.zip
    unzip BDT.zip

    Linux (GUI and CLI versions):

    wget https://wiki.telink-semi.cn/tools_and_sdk/Tools/BDT/Telink_Libusb_BDT-Linux-X64-
    tar -xvf Telink_Libusb_BDT-Linux-X64-

    Please note that the download may take several minutes because the zipped file is around hundreds of megabytes. The download may take extra time outside mainland China.

  2. Change udev Rules to use flasher without sudo:

    Connect your BDT hardware to USB and check its IDs.

    Bus 001 Device 014: ID 248a:8266 Maxxter Telink Debugger v4.0

    Update your udev rules: Create edit your udev file.

    sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/51-usb-device.rules

    Add the next line with your USB IDs.

    SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="248a", ATTRS{idProduct}=="8266", MODE="0666"

    Save file and restart udev subsystem

    sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
  3. Add BDT path to ~/.bashrc.


    nano ~/.bashrc

    Add the next variable according to your BDT path (where you extracted it)

    export TELINK_BDT_BASE_DIR="/opt/telink_bdt_b92/"

Matter Firmware

Bootloader Configuration

The bootloader build is enabled automatically when the CONFIG_CHIP_OTA_REQUESTOR=y is set.
The bootloader configuration file is located at the following path:


This file contains the following options:

  • CONFIG_BOOT_BOOTSTRAP - set to y in case if restoring the slot0 partition is expected from slot1 partition in case if slot0 is not bootable or damaged
  • CONFIG_BOOT_SWAP_USING_MOVE - set to y in case if SWAP_MOVE logic need to be used
  • CONFIG_BOOT_SWAP_USING_SCRATCH - set to y in case if SWAP_MOVE using scratch logic need to be used. Enabling this option expecting the availability of scratch partition in DTS
  • CONFIG_BOOT_VALIDATE_SLOT0 - set to y in case if the whole slot0 image need to be validated. With this option disabled the only image magic is validated

Other MCUBoot configuration options are also allowed in this file. For finest tune please refer to official MCUBoot doc.

Flash Layout

For Matter v1.0-branch branch:

&flash {
  reg = <0x20000000 0x200000>;

  partitions {
    compatible = "fixed-partitions";
    #address-cells = <1>;
    #size-cells = <1>;

    boot_partition: partition@0 {
      label = "mcuboot";
      reg = <0x00000000 0x10000>;
    slot0_partition: partition@10000 {
      label = "image-0";
      reg = <0x10000 0xE0000>;
    scratch_partition: partition@f0000 {
      label = "image-scratch";
      reg = <0xf0000 0x4000>;
    factory_partition: partition@f4000 {
      label = "factory-data";
      reg = <0xf4000 0x1000>;
    storage_partition: partition@f5000 {
      label = "storage";
      reg = <0xf5000 0xa000>;
    /* region <0xff000 0x1000> is reserved for Telink B91 SDKs data */
    slot1_partition: partition@100000 {
      label = "image-1";
      reg = <0x100000 0xE0000>;

For Matter v1.1-branch branch:
Implemented as overlay over standard zephyr .dts layout, which is located in the Matter repository

&flash {
  reg = <0x20000000 0x200000>;

  partitions {
    /delete-node/ partition@0;
    /delete-node/ partition@18000;
    /delete-node/ partition@84000;
    /delete-node/ partition@f0000;
    /delete-node/ partition@f4000;
    boot_partition: partition@0 {
      label = "mcuboot";
      reg = <0x00000000 0x13000>;
    slot0_partition: partition@13000 {
      label = "image-0";
      reg = <0x13000 0xf1000>;
    factory_partition: partition@104000 {
      label = "factory-data";
      reg = <0x104000 0x1000>;
    storage_partition: partition@105000 {
      label = "storage";
      reg = <0x105000 0x8000>;
    slot1_partition: partition@10d000 {
      label = "image-1";
      reg = <0x10d000 0xf1000>;
    /* region <0x1fe000 0x2000> is reserved for Telink B91 SDKs data */

For the latest Matter master branch:
Implemented as an overlay over standard zephyr .dts layout, which is located in the Matter repository

&flash {
  reg = <0x20000000 0x200000>;

  partitions {
    /delete-node/ partition@0;
    /delete-node/ partition@20000;
    /delete-node/ partition@88000;
    /delete-node/ partition@f0000;
    /delete-node/ partition@f4000;
    boot_partition: partition@0 {
      label = "mcuboot";
      reg = <0x00000000 0x19000>;
    slot0_partition: partition@19000 {
      label = "image-0";
      reg = <0x19000 0xee000>;
    factory_partition: partition@107000 {
      label = "factory-data";
      reg = <0x107000 0x1000>;
    storage_partition: partition@108000 {
      label = "storage";
      reg = <0x108000 0x8000>;
    slot1_partition: partition@110000 {
      label = "image-1";
      reg = <0x10d000 0xee000>;
    /* region <0x1fe000 0x2000> is reserved for Telink B91 SDKs data */

Device Configuration

Basic Device Configuration

Basic device configuration is already set via application configuration file.
The basic configuration can be extended via the same configuration file by adding new configurations to the file.

Application configuration file location (relative path):


BLE Address Configuration

BLE specification contains 4 types of BLE MAC addresses. Matter configuration uses only 2 of them:\

  • Public\
  • Random static (with and without flash saving)

The public address is a default address used in Matter. The public address value must be set by device vendor.
The BLE address reads out from the vendor memory area and applies to BLE device during initializing of the BLE driver.

The address type may be changed by the project configuration:\
Public address configuration:\


CONFIG_B9X_BLE_CTRL_MAC_TYPE_PUBLIC option sets the BLE address type to Public and enables the address readout from flash.\
CONFIG_B9X_BLE_PUBLIC_MAC_ADDR option sets the public BLE address from string, if the address was not set in flash.\
CONFIG_B9X_BLE_PUBLIC_MAC_ADDR option should be used for development purposes only.

Random static address configuration:


CONFIG_B9X_BLE_CTRL_MAC_TYPE_RANDOM_STATIC option sets BLE address type to Random Static and enables Random address
generation at every device boot.\
CONFIG_B9X_BLE_CTRL_MAC_FLASH option allows to store the Static Random address to flash to be used on the next device boot.
Using this option the Random Static address will be generated on the first boot and stored to flash. The next boots will read out and
apply the stored Random Static address.\

The BLE address location my be vary depends on flash size. The memory map for different flash sizes is shown below:

Flash Size Memory Address
1 Mb 0xfd000
2 Mb 0x1fd000
4 Mb 0x3fd000

The BLE address flash encoding:
Public address:

0-2 bytes are public address bytes.\
3-5 bytes are vendor bytes provided by BLE consortium.

Random static address:

0-4 bytes are random static bytes.\
5 byte is a random static byte + 0xC0 mask.\
6-7 are dummy bytes.\
8 byte should be 0 for Random static address type.


Public address: 00:11:22:38:c1:a4 - 00:11:22 public address bytes, 38:c1:a4 - Telink vendor bytes provided by BLE consortium.\
Random static address: 00:11:22:33:44:55:aa:bb:00 - 00:11:22:33:44:55 randomly generated bytes, aa:bb - dummy bytes, 00 - Random static address type.

Network Device Configuration

Device-to-device communication without a border router is available in case when
one or several devices are configured as FTD (Full Thread Device), for example,
a Light Bulb.

The default configuration for non-sleepy device - is a router. Each router can accept 32 child connections by default.
The amount of child connections is set by the following configuration:


In case of high network load per router device, this configuration may be set to 1 to reduce the amount of children connected to
the parent device.
It is highly recommended to increase the CPU clock to 96MHz if the router mode is planned to use. This can be done by adding the
following configuration to the board overlay file:

&cpu0 {
    clock-frequency = <96000000>;

The default configuration of non-sleepy device can be manually changed from router to end device, which will disable the router mode.
Disabling the router mode will reduce the network and CPU load on the device and increase the network stability (avoid packet loss and retransmissions).
This configuration switches the FTD Router device to MTD End device:


If the FTD End device mode is expected, then the FTD mode can be enabled manually:


Build and Flash

In the Matter root folder or /root/chip/ if using Docker image:

  1. Activate Matter environment:

    source ./scripts/activate.sh -p all,telink
  2. Activate Zephyr environment (needed for west build using Docker without script build with env):

    source $ZEPHYR_BASE/zephyr-env.sh
  3. Go to directory with the example:

    cd examples/${app}/telink

    ${app}: all-clusters-app, all-clusters-minimal-app, bridge-app, contact-sensor-app, lighting-app, light-switch-app, lock-app, ota-requestor-app, pump-app, pump-controller-app, resource-monitoring-app, shell, smoke-co-alarm-app, temperature-measurement-app, thermostat, window-app

  4. Remove the previous build if exists:

    rm -rf build/
  5. Build the example (replace __ with your board name, for
    example, tlsr9518adk80d or tlsr9528a):

    west build -b <build_target>

    You can find the target built file called zephyr.bin under the
    build/zephyr directory.

  6. Flash the example (for the Ubuntu platform):

    west flash --erase
  7. In case of build errors or crashes you might use the Zephyr version which was CI tested against Chip Project master:

    Go to https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/integrations/docker/images/stage-2/chip-build-telink/Dockerfile
    and look for ZEPHYR_REVISION = ${commit_ID}.

    Then use this information to setup Zephyr:

    cd ~/zephyrproject/zephyr/
    git checkout ${commit_ID}
    cd ..
    west update
    west blobs fetch hal_telink

Logging and Shell CLI

To get output from the device, connect UART to the following pins:

Name Pin
RX PB3 (pin 15 of J34)
TX PB2 (pin 18 of J34)
GND GND (pin 23 of J50)

Baud rate: 115200 bits/s

How to Configure Logging in Matter

Logging is enabled by default. To disable logging in your application, set this config:

In Matter config/telink/app/zephyr.conf, set CONFIG_SERIAL=n:

    # Logging (set CONFIG_SERIAL to 'y' to enable logging and 'n' to disable logging)

Set Logging Level

To configure the logging level, set the value of the CONFIG_LOG_MAX_LEVEL parameter in Matter config/telink/app/zephyr.conf:

    # Set the actual log level
    # - 0 OFF, logging is turned off
    # - 1 ERROR, maximal level set to LOG_LEVEL_ERR
    # - 2 WARNING, maximal level set to LOG_LEVEL_WRN
    # - 3 INFO, maximal level set to LOG_LEVEL_INFO
    # - 4 DEBUG, maximal level set to LOG_LEVEL_DBG

The logging level by default is INFO (information).

How to Enable Zephyr Shell in Matter

It's possible to interact with the device via UART with Unix-like shell commands.

To include Shell in your application, set these two configs:

  • In Matter config/telink/app/zephyr.conf, set CONFIG_SHELL=y:
    # Shell settings
  • Set CONFIG_CHIP_LIB_SHELL=y in examples/lighting-app/telink/prj.conf
    # CHIP shell

Now, after the board starts, you may print help and press Enter in the UART terminal to see a list of available CLI commands.

List of Matter commands

Every invoked command must be preceded by the matter prefix.

See the following subsections for the description of each Matter-specific

Command - device

Handles a group of commands that are used to manage the device. You must use
this command together with one of the additional subcommands listed below.

Subcommand - factoryreset

Performs device factory reset, which is a hardware reset preceded by erasing all Matter settings stored in non-volatile memory.

uart:~$ matter device factoryreset
Performing factory reset ...

Command - onboardingcodes

Handles a group of commands that are used to view information about device
onboarding codes. The onboardingcodes command takes one required parameter for
the rendezvous type, and an optional parameter for printing a specific type of
onboarding code.

The full format of the command is:

onboardingcodes none|softap|ble|onnetwork [qrcode|qrcodeurl|manualpairingcode]

To print all the onboarding codes:

uart:~$ matter onboardingcodes none
QRCode: MT:W0GU2OTB00KA0648G00
QRCodeUrl: https://project-chip.github.io/connectedhomeip/qrcode.html?data=MT%3AW0GU2OTB00KA0648G00
ManualPairingCode: 34970112332

To print a specific type of onboarding code:

Subcommand - qrcode

Prints the device onboarding QR code payload. Takes no arguments.

uart:~$ matter onboardingcodes none qrcode

Subcommand - qrcodeurl

Prints the URL to view the device onboarding QR code
in a web browser. Takes no arguments.

uart:~$ matter onboardingcodes none qrcodeurl

Subcommand - manualpairingcode

Prints the pairing code for the manual onboarding of a device. Takes no

uart:~$ matter onboardingcodes none manualpairingcode

Command - config

Handles a group of commands used to view device configuration
information. You can use this command without any subcommand to print all
available configuration data or to add a specific subcommand.

VendorId:        65521 (0xFFF1)
ProductId:       32768 (0x8000)
HardwareVersion: 1 (0x1)
PinCode:         020202021
Discriminator:   f00

The config command can also take the subcommands listed below.

Subcommand - pincode

Prints the PIN code for device setup. Takes no arguments.

uart:~$ matter config pincode

Subcommand - discriminator

Prints the device setup discriminator. Takes no arguments.

uart:~$ matter config discriminator

Subcommand - vendorid

Prints the vendor ID of the device. Takes no arguments.

uart:~$ matter config vendorid
65521 (0xFFFF1)

Subcommand - productid

Prints the product ID of the device. Takes no arguments.

uart:~$ matter config productid
32768 (0x8000)

Subcommand - hardwarever

Prints the hardware version of the device. Takes no arguments.

uart:~$ matter config hardwarever
0 (0x0)

Command - ble

Handles a group of commands used to control the device Bluetooth LE
transport state. You must use this command together with one of the additional
subcommands listed below.

Subcommand - help

Prints help information about ble commands group.

uart:~$ matter ble help
  help            Usage: ble <subcommand>
  adv             Enable or disable advertisement. Usage: ble adv <start|stop|state>

Subcommand - adv start

Enables Bluetooth LE advertising.

uart:~$ matter ble adv start
Starting BLE advertising

Subcommand - adv stop

Disables Bluetooth LE advertising.

uart:~$ matter ble adv stop
Stopping BLE advertising

Subcommand - adv status

Prints information about the current Bluetooth LE advertising status.

uart:~$ matter ble adv state
BLE advertising is disabled

Command - dns

Handles a group of commands used to trigger performing DNS queries. You
must use this command together with one of the additional subcommands listed

Subcommand - browse

Browses for DNS services of _matterc_udp type and prints the received
response. Takes no argument.

uart:~$ matter dns browse
Browsing ...
DNS browse succeeded:
   Hostname: 0E824F0CA6DE309C
   Vendor ID: 9050
   Product ID: 20043
   Long discriminator: 3840
   Device type: 0
   Device name:
   Commissioning mode: 0
   IP addresses:

Subcommand - resolve

Resolves the specified Matter node service given by the \ and

uart:~$ matter dns resolve <fabric-id> <node-id>
Resolving ...
DNS resolve for 000000014A77CBB3-0000000000BC5C01 succeeded:
   IP address: fd08:b65e:db8e:f9c7:8052:1a8e:4dd4:e1f3
   Port: 5540

List of Telink CLI commands

Command -telink

Handles a group of Telink commands that are used to manage the device. You must use
this command together with one of the additional subcommands listed below.

Subcommand -reboot

Performs board reboot that is hardware reboot calling sys_reboot().

uart:~$ telink reboot
Performing reboot ...

Light-switch-app CLI commands

Light-switch control commands should be available via Shell interface if the
CONFIG_CHIP_LIB_SHELL=y is set in examples/light-switch-app/telink/prj.conf

Also CONFIG_SHELL=y should be set in config/telink/app/zephyr.conf to use Shell in Matter

matter switch help

To list all the available light-switch commands, call:

uart:~$ matter switch help
  help            Usage: switch <subcommand>
  onoff            Usage: switch onoff <subcommand>
  groups          Usage: switch groups <subcommand>
  binding         Usage: switch binding <subcommand>



The following buttons are available on TLSR9518ADK80D board in matrix configuration:

Name Function Description
Button 1 Factory reset Perform factory reset to forget the currently commissioned Thread network and return to a decommissioned state (to activate, press and hold the button for 2 seconds or push the button 3 times (depends on the used branch))
Button 2 Lighting control Manually triggers the lighting state (only for lightning-app)
LightSwitch control Triggers the light switch state (only for light-switch-app)
Lock state control Manually triggers the bolt lock state (only for lock-app)
ContactSensor control Triggers the contact sensor state (only for contact-sensor-app)
Pump control Manually triggers the pump state (only for pump-app, pump-controller-app)
Window Open/Toggle move type Single press manually triggers the Window Covering Open command, double toggles Lift-Tilt move type (only for window-app)
Button 3 Start BLE (optional) Initiate BLE stack and start BLE advertisement
Button 4 Thread start / Window Close Commission thread with static credentials and enables the Thread on the device / manually triggers the Window Covering Close command (only for window-app)

Note: When power saving modes(s) are enabled by default only two first buttons are enabled. In that case short TL_Key1 (J20 pin 15) to ground (J50 pin 15-23)

Note: Some apps will turn on BLE advertising automatically when powered on.
Dependency in the app's prj.conf from:

# Enable CHIP pairing automatically on application start.

Attention to be paid when you have more than one board flashed at the
same time.

Factory reset using power on sequence

If device has no HW Button 1 - Factory reset there is a possibility to perform this action using a power-on sequence.

  1. Switch off the device
  2. Switch on the device and within 5 seconds after switching it on, switch it off. Repeat this step 5 times, and it triggers a factory reset.

In the lighting application, the main light (not the indication LED) indicates starting the factory reset procedure by 3-times blinking with an interval of 1 second.

By default, this feature is disabled. To enable it, add the following to prj.conf:



Indicate the current state of the Thread network

The White LED indicates current state of Thread network. It is able to be in
the following states:

State Description
Blinks with short pulses The device is not commissioned to Thread, Thread is disabled
Blinks with frequent pulses The device is commissioned, Thread enabled. Device is trying to JOIN thread network
Blinks with wide pulses The device commissioned and joined to the Thread network as a CHILD

Indicate the identify of the device

The Blue LED is used to identify the device. The LED starts blinking when the Identify command of the Identify cluster is received. The command's argument can be used to specify the the effect.
It can be in the following effects:

Effect Description
Blinks (200 ms on/200 ms off) Blink (EMBER_ZCL_IDENTIFY_EFFECT_IDENTIFIER_BLINK)
Blinks (50 ms on/950 ms off) Okay (EMBER_ZCL_IDENTIFY_EFFECT_IDENTIFIER_OKAY)
Blinks (1000 ms on/1000 ms off) Channel Change (EMBER_ZCL_IDENTIFY_EFFECT_IDENTIFIER_CHANNEL_CHANGE)

Indicate the current state of lightbulb

By default, Red and Green LEDs are used to show the current state of lightbulb (only for lightning-app). Blue LED is by default already occupied with Indication functionality.

Indicate the current state of Contact Sensor, Lock, Pump (Controller) App, Window Cover

The Red LED shows current state of Contact Sensor, Bolt Lock and Pump.
Short blinks in the Lock app indicate a transition state from Locked to Unlocked and vice versa.
For both Pump apps, the white LED shows the on-off-state of the pump.

Red and Green LEDs indicate the current Window Cover Lift position (PWM in range of 0-254).
To indicate the Tilt state in the same way, connect an external LED to the board pin PE0.

Bridge Solution

A Bridge serves to allow the use of non-Matter IoT devices (e.g. devices on a Zigbee or Z-Wave net­
work, or any other non-Matter connectivity technology) in a Matter Fabric, with the goal of enabling
consumers to continue using these non-Matter devices alongside their Matter devices.
The Telink Bridge Example demonstrates a simple lighting bridge and the use of
dynamic endpoints.

The Bridge device performs the translation between Matter and other protocols allowing Matter nodes
to communicate with Bridged Devices.
A Bridge may also contain native Matter functionality, for example,
it may itself be a Temperature sensor having both Thread and Zigbee connections.

As stated in Matter Specification, this is illustrated in the figure below: the non-Matter devices are exposed as Bridged Devices to
Nodes on the Fabric. The Matter Nodes can communicate with both the (native) Matter devices and the Bridged Devices, thanks to the Bridge, which performs the translation between Matter
and the other protocol.

Bridge Structure

Border Router

An Open Thread border router is a composed device that consists of two main parts:

  • Raspberry Pi contains all the necessary services and firmware to act as a
    Border Router (BR).
  • Radio Co-Processor is responsible for Thread communication.

Radio Co-Processor (RCP)

Two devices can be used to create RCP device.

Build and flash TLSR9518ADK80D board

In this case, the RCP is an additional TLSR9518ADK80D board (B91 Generic Starter Kit).

  1. Build from the Zephyr project root folder:

    1.1 Using DuPount cables:

    rm -rf build_ot_coprocessor
    west build -b tlsr9518adk80d -d build_ot_coprocessor zephyr/samples/net/openthread/coprocessor -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-rcp.conf

    1.2 Using a USB connection:

    rm -rf build_ot_coprocessor
    west build -b tlsr9518adk80d -d build_ot_coprocessor zephyr/samples/net/openthread/coprocessor -- -DDTC_OVERLAY_FILE="usb.overlay" -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-rcp-usb-telink.conf
  2. Flash the firmware:

    west flash --erase -d build_ot_coprocessor

Build and flash the TLSR9518ADG80D dongle

This option is bases on an additional TLSR9518AGK80D board (B91 Dongle) that can be used instead of the TLSR9518ADK80D board (B91 Generic Starter Kit). It uses only a USB connection with the BR. The dongle must be inserted into the BR.

  1. Build from the Zephyr project root folder:

    rm -rf build_ot_coprocessor
    west build -b tlsr9518adk80d -d build_ot_coprocessor zephyr/samples/net/openthread/coprocessor -DDTC_OVERLAY_FILE="usb.overlay boards/tlsr9518adk80d-dongle.overlay" -DOVERLAY_CONFIG=overlay-rcp-usb-telink.conf
  2. Flash the firmware:

    west flash --erase -d build_ot_coprocessor


USB mode requires modifying OTBR_AGENT_OPTS in the RPi image by changing the device port to /dev/ttyACM0, like this:

OTBR_AGENT_OPTS="-I wpan0 -B eth0 spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyACM0?uart-flow-control trel://

See Setup BR, point 7.

It can be done in the current image, but a reboot is required after the change.

Raspberry Pi


Write the image

  1. Install Imager:

    sudo apt install rpi-imager
  2. Insert your SD card into the PC.

  3. Open Imager and press "CHOOSE OS" button:

    Imager step 3 - Choose OS

  4. Choose "Raspberry Pi OS (other)" > "Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit)":

    Imager step 4

  5. Press the "CHOOSE STORAGE" button and choose your SD card:

    Imager step 5 - Storage button

    Imager step 5 - Choose SD card

  6. Press the "SETTINGS" button and apply required image configuration:

    Imager step 6 - Settings button

    Imager step 6 - Select required settings

  7. Press "Write":

    Imager step 7 - Press Write

  8. Confirm that you want to continue writhing.

    WARNING: All data from the SD card will be erased.

    Imager step 8 - Confirmation message

  9. Wait for the write to completion. If everything is ok, you will see the following

    Imager step 9 - Write complete

Setup border router software

WARNING: Before you continue, make sure your configured hardware platform
is connected to the internet using Ethernet.
The bootstrap script disables the platform's Wi-Fi interface, and the setup
script requires internet connectivity to download and install several

  1. Insert the SD card and attach an Ethernet cable and power supply to the Raspberry Pi.
    Check the Raspberry Pi address on your router. Enter an SSH session to your Raspberry Pi
    using credentials from the Write image step 6.

  2. Set up the serial port with RTS/CTS flow control. Add the following line to the end of the file

  3. Install required software (Git, NodeJs)

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install git npm
  4. Clone the OpenThread Border Router:

    git clone https://github.com/openthread/ot-br-posix
  5. Do bootstrap:

    cd ot-br-posix
  6. Setup:

    WEB_GUI=1 INFRA_IF_NAME=eth0 ./script/setup
  7. Modify /etc/default/otbr-agent file by replacing the default string with
    the following difference:

    - OTBR_AGENT_OPTS="-I wpan0 -B eth0 spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyACM0 trel://eth0"
    + OTBR_AGENT_OPTS="-I wpan0 -B eth0 spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyAMA1?uart-flow-control trel://eth0"
  8. Attach RCP according to the connection map:

    RCP Telink B91 J20 header Raspberry Pi 4 J8 header
    TX - PC6 (pin 11) UART3 RX (pin 29)
    RX - PC7 (pin 12) UART3 TX (pin 7)
    RTS - PC5 (pin 14) UART3 CTS (pin 31)
    CTS - PC4 (pin 13) UART3 RTS (pin 26)
    GND (e.g., pin 23 of J50 or pin 3 of J56) GND (e.g., pin 6 or 9)
  9. Reboot the Raspberry Pi

    sudo reboot

More information can be found here: https://openthread.io/guides/border-router/build

Setup from prebuild image

  1. Download the binaries

  2. Unzip the rpi_ot_br_posix.iso.zip archive.

  3. Insert the SD card into your PC.

  4. Use "dd" command to copy the image to the SD card:

    sudo dd if=<path_to_image> of=<path_to_sd_card_device> bs=4M conv=noerror,sync status=progress

    Example: (replace 'sdx' with the proper device)

    sudo dd if=~/Tmp/rpi_ot_br_posix.iso of=/dev/sdx bs=4M conv=noerror,sync status=progress

    WARNING: Be cautious when using “dd” with root privileges, as it can potentially brick your system!

  5. Wait for the copy process to finish.

  6. Insert the SD card into Raspberry Pi.

  7. Flash the Telink B91 RCP using zephyr.bin file.

  8. Connect the RCP to the Raspberry Pi.

  9. Plug the Raspberry Pi to a power source.

  10. Wait a few minutes for it to load. It's done.


Forming a Thread network via GUI

  1. Open your web browser.

  2. In the address bar, type the IP address of your Border Router.

  3. If everything is okay, you should see the Border Router Home page.

  4. Go to the "Form" page:

    Form step 4 - Go to form page

  5. Enter the desirable Thread credentials. You can leave them default if you prefer.

  6. Click the "Form" button.

    Form step 6 - Start form new network

  7. Confirm that you want to form the Thread Network by clocking the "OKAY"

    Form step 7 - Confirmation

  8. Wait for the "Form operation successful" message.

    Form step 8 - Success

Forming a Thread network via CLI

  1. Connect to the OpenThread Border Router via SSH (default password: raspberry):

    ssh pi@${OTBR_IP_ADDRESS}
  2. Set the Thread network operational dataset:

    sudo ot-ctl dataset set active
  3. Initialize the Thread network operational dataset:

    sudo ot-ctl dataset init active
  4. Commit the Thread network operational dataset:

    sudo ot-ctl dataset commit active
  5. Bring the interfaces up:

    sudo ifconfig wpan0 up
  6. Start the Thread network:

    sudo ot-ctl thread start

Getting the Active Dataset

  1. Connect to the OpenThread Border Router via SSH (default password: raspberry):

    ssh pi@${OTBR_IP_ADDRESS}
  2. Retrieve the Thread network operational dataset:

    sudo ot-ctl dataset active -x
  3. The output will resemble the following dataset:

  4. Store this dataset for further commissioning steps.

WARNING: The Thread border router creates a new active dataset on each Form

Using Raspberry Pi3 with internal UART

Due to the presence of only one full-featured UART port availabe on RPi 3, some additional actions are required:

  1. Disable the console and logging over UART:

    Login into RPi via SSH and activate configuration tool:

    sudo raspi-config

    Select "3 Interface options"
    Select "I6 Serial Port"

    • For "Would you like a login shell to be accessible over serial?" answer "No"
    • For "Would you like the serial port hardware to be enabled?" answer "Yes"

    Close the tool by selecting "Finish"

  2. Switch the BLE chip to use miniUART instead of the full featured UART:

    Add the following line to the end of the /boot/config.txt file:


    Reboot the board:

    sudo reboot
  3. Configure GPIOs to act as hardware flow control (RTS and CTS):

    There are various tools to do that. The tested and working method is described below:

    Login to the RPi console and fetch the tool:

    git clone https://github.com/mholling/rpirtscts.git

    Compile the tool:

    cd rpirtscts/

    Use the tool:

    sudo ./rpirtscts on

    The output should indicate which pins are used for hardware flow control:

    assuming 40-pin GPIO header
    Enabling CTS0 and RTS0 on GPIOs 16 and 17
  4. Shut down the board:

    sudo halt

    Wait until "activity" (green) light stops flashing and power off the RPi board.

  5. Connect the Telink RCP to 40-pin headder of the RPi:

    RCP Telink B91 J20 header Raspberry Pi 4 J8 header
    TX - PC6 (pin 11) UART RX (pin 10)
    RX - PC7 (pin 12) UART TX (pin 8)
    RTS - PC5 (pin 14) UART CTS (pin 36)
    CTS - PC4 (pin 13) UART RTS (pin 11)
    GND (e.g., pin 23 of J50 or pin 3 of J56) GND (e.g., pin 6 or 9)

    For convenience of having all connection at one side of the board, power and ground can be applied via the JTAG connector.

    PAY EXTREME ATTENTION TO JTAG PINS NUMBERING. The 1st pin of JTAG is marked with a triangle maker (and a square soldering pad at the bottom).
    The round dot and "1 2" numbers refer to J34 pins!

    RCP Telink B91 J5G header Raspberry Pi 4 J8 header
    +5V - (pin 8) +5V - (pin 2) or (pin 4)
    GND - (pin 9) GND - (pin 6) ot (pin 9)
  6. Start the board and log in to the console.

    Modify the file: /etc/default/otbr-agent

    - OTBR_AGENT_OPTS="-I wpan0 -B eth0 spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyACM0 trel://eth0"
    + OTBR_AGENT_OPTS="-I wpan0 -B eth0 spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyAMA0?uart-flow-control trel://eth0"
  7. Reboot the board and try to from a Thread network.

Using Raspberry Pi3 with a USB Dongle

(Not recommended due to stability issues)

With an additional USB->UART converter, it is possible to build an OT Border router with RPi 3.

  1. Prepare the Raspberry PI 3 OT boarder router as described above but DO NOT form a Thread network yet!

  2. Connect the Telink board to a USB dongle:

    RCP Telink B91 J20 header USB -> UART Dongle
    TX - PC6 (pin 11) RX
    RX - PC7 (pin 12) TX
    RTS - PC5 (pin 14) CTS
    CTS - PC4 (pin 13) RTS
    GND (e.g., pin 23 of J50 or pin 3 of J56) GND
  3. Log in to the RPI via SSH and connect the USB dongle.

  4. Check the device file assigned to your dongle:

    $ dmesg
    usb 1-1.3: new full-speed USB device number 7 using dwc_otg
    [ 4112.930175] usb 1-1.3: New USB device found, idVendor=0403, idProduct=6001, bcdDevice= 6.00
    [ 4112.930202] usb 1-1.3: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
    [ 4112.930213] usb 1-1.3: Product: FT232R USB UART
    [ 4112.930222] usb 1-1.3: Manufacturer: FTDI
    [ 4112.930231] usb 1-1.3: SerialNumber: AQ03MIVH
    [ 4112.943040] ftdi_sio 1-1.3:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected
    [ 4112.943184] usb 1-1.3: Detected FT232RL
    [ 4112.944703] usb 1-1.3: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0

In our case it's ttyUSB0.

  1. Modify the /etc/default/otbr-agent file by replacing the default string with
    the following difference:

    - OTBR_AGENT_OPTS="-I wpan0 -B eth0 spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyACM0 trel://eth0"
    + OTBR_AGENT_OPTS="-I wpan0 -B eth0 spinel+hdlc+uart:///dev/ttyUSB0?uart-flow-control trel://eth0"

Replace "ttyUSB0" with the device file you obtained in step 4.

  1. Reboot the board:

    sudo reboot

Wait until the reboot. Now it should be possible to use the border router.



WARNING: Ensure that the chip tool is built on the same commit as the Matter firmware to prevent compatibility issues.

  1. Activate the environment under the Matter project root directory:

    source ./scripts/activate.sh -p all,telink
  2. Update submodules:

    ./scripts/checkout_submodules.py --allow-changing-global-git-config --shallow --platform linux
  3. Go to the example folder:

    cd examples/chip-tool
  4. Remove the previous build if necessary:

    rm -rf out/
  5. Build:

    gn gen out
    ninja -C out
  6. the "chip-tool" binary can be located here:


For more information, visit: https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/blob/master/examples/chip-tool/README.md



BLE-Thread commissioning

  1. Commission the device with the latest active dataset. See the
    Get active dataset section under the Border router

    ./chip-tool pairing ble-thread ${NODE_ID} hex:${DATASET} ${PIN_CODE} ${DISCRIMINATOR}

NODE_ID can be any non-zero value that has not been used before. It acts as a handler for other "chip-tool" operations referring to a specific Matter device.

DATASETs are regenerated by the Thread border router when new Thread
networks are formed.
They might slightly differ in the middle of the hex string so DO NOT use
the dataset from the following command directly.
If you forget it, refer back to the Get active dataset section and replace DATASET with the current dataset.


$ ./chip-tool pairing ble-thread 1234 
20202021 3840

Commission might take some time. If it's successful, you should
see the following message:

Device commissioning completed with success

Clean Initialization of State

In case of failures, the device configuration can be cleared with the following command:

sudo rm -rf /tmp/chip_*

It's highly recommended to use a BLE 5.0 HCI controller on the host machine running "chip-tool".
To check HCI version:

hciconfig -a

Thread on Network Commissioning

You can commission an example Matter device without BLE connectivity, relying only on Thread.

  1. Ensure that the OTBR (Open Thread Border Router) is up and running and network has been formed:
    Refer to the Border Router section of this guide for more details.

  2. Join the Matter Demo device using Button_3 (Joining Thread with hardcoded credentials):

  3. Confirm that the red LED blinks with short pauses:

    Beside the LED indication, you can verify the device has joined using OTBR Web GUI (Topology).

  4. Use "chip-tool" for "onnetwork" commissioning:

    ./chip-tool pairing onnetwork ${NODE_ID) ${PIN_CODE}


    ./chip-tool pairing onnetwork 1001 20202021

    PIN_CODE can be obtained from Demo Device logs.
    See the Matter Firmware section of this guide for more details.

    Example logs:

    I: 536 [DL]Device Configuration:
    I: 542 [DL]  Serial Number: 11223344556677889900
    I: 547 [DL]  Vendor Id: 65521 (0xFFF1)
    I: 550 [DL]  Product Id: 32772 (0x8004)
    I: 554 [DL]  Product Name: not-specified
    I: 560 [DL]  Hardware Version: 0
    I: 566 [DL]  Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 20202021
    I: 573 [DL]  Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3840 (0xF00)
    I: 583 [DL]  Manufacturing Date: (not set)
    I: 660 [DL]  Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)

    PIN_CODE == 20202021 in this case.


  1. Ensure OTBR local interface accessibility via IPV6:
    Obtain the IPv6:LocalAddress (OTBR Web GUI->Status) and ping it.


$ ping6 fd11:22:0:0:7b6a:4020:5b68:b403
PING fd11:22:0:0:7b6a:4020:5b68:b403(fd11:22::7b6a:4020:5b68:b403) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fd11:22::7b6a:4020:5b68:b403: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.540 ms
64 bytes from fd11:22::7b6a:4020:5b68:b403: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.601 ms
64 bytes from fd11:22::7b6a:4020:5b68:b403: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.587 ms

If the ping fails, proceed to step 4.

  1. Ping Matter Device from OTBR.

To retrieve the IP address of the Matter example device, rebuild and reflash the firmware with the Zephyr console enabled (refer to the Matter Firmware section for more details).

In the Zephyr console:

uart:~$  ot ipaddr


Select the address that corresponds with the OTBR IPv6:LocalAddress, e.g.,


Ping it from the OTBR console:

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ping6 fd11:22:0:0:1092:f710:43ba:bdb4
PING fd11:22:0:0:1092:f710:43ba:bdb4(fd11:22::1092:f710:43ba:bdb4) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fd11:22::1092:f710:43ba:bdb4: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=24.5 ms
64 bytes from fd11:22::1092:f710:43ba:bdb4: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=23.2 ms
64 bytes from fd11:22::1092:f710:43ba:bdb4: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=22.2 ms

If the ping fails, verify your OTBR installation and the formation of the Thread Network. Examine /var/log/messages for potential errors.

  1. Ping Matter Device from host PC.

Using the Matter Demo Device address obtained in Step 2, ping the address from the host PC (the machine running chip-tool).

If the ping from the host PC is successful, the on-network pairing for the chip-tool should also work. Clear the cached data:

sudo rm -rf /tmp/chip_*

Then, try again:

./chip-tool pairing onnetwork ${NODE_ID) ${PIN_CODE}

If the ping fails, unplugging and replugging the Ethernet connector from the OTBR might help.

  1. Examine routing on the host PC (PC running chip-tool):
$ sudo ip -6 route

::1 dev lo proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
2001:db7::/64 dev enp3s0 proto ra metric 100 pref medium
fd11:22::/64 via fe80::ba27:ebff:fe66:30f4 dev enp3s0 proto ra metric 100 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev tun0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev enp3s0 proto kernel metric 1024 pref medium
default dev lo proto ra metric 1024 pref medium

You should observe a route towards the IPv6:LocalAddress subnet of the OTBR.

For instance:

fd11:22::/64 via fe80::ba27:ebff:fe66:30f4 dev enp3s0 proto ra metric 100 pref medium

This address should match the "link" address of the eth0 interface of OTBR, which can be retrieved using the 'ifconfig' command on OTBR ssh terminal):

 $ ifconfig
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::ba27:ebff:fe66:30f4  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        inet6 2001:db7::ba27:ebff:fe66:30f4  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x0<global>
        ether b8:27:eb:66:30:f4  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 297312  bytes 35495992 (33.8 MiB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 14017  bytes 7107662 (6.7 MiB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

If a route entry is missing, ensure that the _meshcop._udp service published by the OTBR is available on your PC using:

avahi-browse -r -t _meshcop._udp

This should return an entry coresponding to OTBR:

+ enp3s0 IPv6 OpenThread BorderRouter #8F53                 _meshcop._udp        local
+ enp3s0 IPv4 OpenThread BorderRouter #8F53                 _meshcop._udp        local
= enp3s0 IPv6 OpenThread BorderRouter #8F53                 _meshcop._udp        local
   hostname = [raspberrypi-2.local]
   address = []
   port = [49153]
   txt = ["omr=@\253\017\000\"\000\000\000\000" "dn=DefaultDomain" "bb=\240\191" "sq=\005" "pt=j\021\023\015" "at=\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000" "sb=\000\000\001\177" "xa=n\190\155[\218\029\143S" "tv=1.3.0" "xp=\017\017\017\017\"\"\"\"" "nn=OpenThreadDemo" "mn=BorderRouter" "vn=OpenThread" "rv=1"]
= enp3s0 IPv4 OpenThread BorderRouter #8F53                 _meshcop._udp        local
   hostname = [raspberrypi-2.local]
   address = []
   port = [49153]
   txt = ["omr=@\253\017\000\"\000\000\000\000" "dn=DefaultDomain" "bb=\240\191" "sq=\005" "pt=j\021\023\015" "at=\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\000" "sb=\000\000\001\177" "xa=n\190\155[\218\029\143S" "tv=1.3.0" "xp=\017\017\017\017\"\"\"\"" "nn=OpenThreadDemo" "mn=BorderRouter" "vn=OpenThread" "rv=1"]

Visit https://openthread.io/guides/border-router/mdns-discovery#avahi_utilities for more details.

Lightbulb Control

  1. Switch on the light:

    ./chip-tool onoff on ${NODE_ID} 1
    Argument Description
    onoff Cluster name
    on Command to the cluster
    ${NODE_ID} Unique node ID of the device. Should be greater than 0
    1 ID of the endpoint
  2. Switch off the light:

    ./chip-tool onoff off ${NODE_ID} 1
    Argument Description
    onoff Cluster name
    off Command to the cluster
    ${NODE_ID} Unique node ID of the device. Should be greater than 0
    1 ID of the endpoint
  3. Read the light state:

    ./chip-tool onoff read on-off ${NODE_ID} 1
    Argument Description
    onoff Cluster name
    read Command to the cluster
    ${NODE_ID} Unique node ID of device. Should be greater than 0
    1 ID of the endpoint
  4. Change brightness of the light:

    ./chip-tool levelcontrol move-to-level 32 0 0 0 ${NODE_ID} 1
    Argument Description
    levelcontrol Cluster name
    move-to-level Command to the cluster
    32 Brightness value
    0 Transition time
    0 Option mask
    0 Option override
    ${NODE_ID} Unique node ID of device. Should be greater than 0
    1 ID of the endpoint
  5. Read brightness level:

    ./chip-tool levelcontrol read current-level ${NODE_ID} 1
    Argument Description
    levelcontrol Cluster name
    read Command to the cluster
    current-level Attribute to read
    ${NODE_ID} Unique node ID of device. Should be greater than 0
    1 ID of the endpoint
  6. Change the color of light (only for RGB LED mode, see Indicate current state of lightbulb for more details):

    ./chip-tool colorcontrol move-to-hue-and-saturation 120 250 0 0 0 ${NODE_ID} 1
    Argument Description
    colorcontrol Cluster name
    move-to-hue-and-saturation Command to the cluster
    120 Hue value
    250 Saturation value
    0 Transition time
    0 Option mask
    0 Option override
    ${NODE_ID} Unique node ID of device. Should be greater than 0
    1 ID of the endpoint

Binding Cluster and Endpoints

Binding is the process that links clusters and endpoints on different devices, which enables them to communicate with each other.

To successfully perform binding, a controller is required. This controller should be able to write the binding table on the light switch device and write appropriate ACL to the light bulb endpoint in the Lighting Example application.
One such controller that can be used is the CHIP Tool.
The ACL should comprise information about all clusters that the light switch application may call.
More details on interacting with ZCL clusters can be found in the user guide of CHIP Tool.

You can perform the binding process to a single remote endpoint (unicast
binding) or to multiple remote endpoints (group multicast).

Note: If you're using a light switch without brightness dimmer, only the
first binding command with cluster number 6 needs to be applied.

Unicast Binding to a Remote Endpoint using the CHIP Tool

In this scenario, we are considering a network with a light switch device having
nodeId = <light-switch-node-id> and a light bulb device with
nodeId = <lighting-node-id>. Both devices should be commissioned to the same Matter network.

Steps for Unicast Binding:

  1. Add ACL to the development kit that is programmed with the Lighting
    Application Example by running the following command:

    ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [<light-switch-node-id>], "targets": [{"cluster": 6, "endpoint": 1, "deviceType": null}, {"cluster": 8, "endpoint": 1, "deviceType": null}]}]' <lighting-node-id> 0

    In this command:

    • [...] is JSON format message for attr-value so <light-switch-node-id> must be a real number when the command is executed.
    • <lighting-node-id> can be a shell variable as ${NODE_ID} used for commissioning before.
    • {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}
      is an ACL for the communication with the CHIP Tool.
    • {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [<light-switch-node-id>], "targets": [{"cluster": 6, "endpoint": 1, "deviceType": null}, {"cluster": 8, "endpoint": 1, "deviceType": null}]}
      is an ACL for binding (cluster no. 6 is the On/Off cluster, and the
      cluster no. 8 is the Level Control cluster).

    This command adds permissions to the lighting application device that
    allows it to receive commands from the light switch device.

  2. Add a binding table to the Light Switch binding cluster:

    ./chip-tool binding write binding '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "node": <lighting-node-id>, "endpoint": 1, "cluster": 6}]' <light-switch-node-id> 1

    In this command:

    • [...] is JSON format message for attr-value so <lighting-node-id> must be real numbers when the command is executed.
    • <light-switch-node-id> can be a shell variable such as ${SWITCH_NODE_ID} used by chip-tool to do commissioning with Lighting Switch App.
    • {"fabricIndex": 1, "node": <lighting-node-id>, "endpoint": 1, "cluster": 6} is a binding for the On/Off cluster.

Group Multicast Binding to the Group of Remote Endpoints using the CHIP Tool

With group multicast binding, a single light switch can control multiple lighting devices simultaneously.

The group multicast binding targets all development kits that are
programmed with the Lighting Application Example and added to the same
multicast group.
After binding, the light switch sends multicast commands which all devices in the group will execute.

In this scenario, the commands are provided for a light switch device with the
nodeId = <light-switch-node-id> and light bulb devices each with
nodeId = <lighting-node-id>, all in the same Matter network.

Steps for Group Multicast Binding:

  1. Add the light switch device to the multicast group by running the
    following command:

    ./chip-tool tests TestGroupDemoConfig --nodeId <light-switch-node-id>
    • <light-switch-node-id> can be a shell variable such as ${SWITCH_NODE_ID} used by chip-tool to do commissioning with Lighting Switch App.
  2. Add all light bulbs to the same multicast group by applying command
    below for each of the light bulbs, using the appropriate
    <lighting-node-id> (the user-defined ID of the node being commissioned
    except <light-switch-node-id> due to use this <light-switch-node-id>
    for light-switch) for each of them:

    ./chip-tool tests TestGroupDemoConfig --nodeId <lighting-node-id>
    • <lighting-node-id> can be shell variables as ${NODE_ID}s used
      for commissioning before.
  3. Add Binding commands for group multicast:

    ./chip-tool binding write binding '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "group": 257}]' <light-switch-node-id> 1
    • <light-switch-node-id> can be a shell variable such as
      ${SWITCH_NODE_ID} used for commissioning before.

Testing the communication

To test the communication between the light switch device and the bound
devices, refer to the light switch buttons.

OTA with Linux OTA Provider

The OTA feature is enabled by default only for the "ota-requestor-app" example.
If you wish to enable the OTA feature for another Telink example:

  • set CONFIG_CHIP_OTA_REQUESTOR=y in the respective "prj.conf" configuration file.

Upon building the application with the OTA feature enabled, utilize the following binary files:

  • zephyr.bin: This is the primary binary for flashing the PCB (Use 2MB PCB).
  • zephyr-ota.bi: This is the binary for OTA Provider.

All binaries will have the same SW version. To test OTA, the "zephyr-ota.bin" should have a higher SW version than the base SW.
Set CONFIG_CHIP_DEVICE_SOFTWARE_VERSION=2 in corresponding "prj.conf" configuration file.

  • For Matter v1.0-branch branch, the default swap mode that run with the scratch partition is (BOOT_SWAP_USING_SCRATCH).

  • For Matter master branch, the default swap mode that can run without a scratch partition is (BOOT_SWAP_USING_MOVE).

If you want to switch back to BOOT_SWAP_USING_SCRATCH for the master branch:

  1. Modify the CONFIG_BOOT_SWAP_USING_MOVE=n and CONFIG_BOOT_SWAP_USING_SCRATCH=y config in the bootloader.conf file.

  2. Add scratch_partition into tlsr9518adk80d.overlay.
    More details can be found in the Flash Layout section and in the partition layout examples provided below.

    The following are possible scratch partition layouts. Depending on your needs, you can choose the layout that fits best. Note: the larger scratch partition results in faster swapping, but it also reduces the partition sizes for code (slot0 and slot1).


    &flash {
        reg = <0x20000000 0x200000>;
        partitions {
            /delete-node/ partition@0;
            /delete-node/ partition@18000;
            /delete-node/ partition@104000;
            /delete-node/ partition@105000;
            /delete-node/ partition@10d000;
            /delete-node/ partition@84000;
            /delete-node/ partition@f0000;
            /delete-node/ partition@f4000;
            boot_partition: partition@0 {
                label = "mcuboot";
                reg = <0x00000000 0x13000>;
            slot0_partition: partition@13000 {
                label = "image-0";
                reg = <0x13000 0xe9000>;
            scratch_partition: partition@fc000 {
                label = "image-scratch";
                reg = <0xfc000 0x10000>;
            factory_partition: partition@10c000 {
                label = "factory-data";
                reg = <0x10c000 0x1000>;
            storage_partition: partition@10d000 {
                label = "storage";
                reg = <0x10d000 0x8000>;
            slot1_partition: partition@115000 {
                label = "image-1";
                reg = <0x115000 0xe9000>;
            /* region <0x1fe000 0x2000> is reserved for Telink B91 SDK's data */


    &flash {
        reg = <0x20000000 0x200000>;
        partitions {
            /delete-node/ partition@0;
            /delete-node/ partition@18000;
            /delete-node/ partition@104000;
            /delete-node/ partition@105000;
            /delete-node/ partition@10d000;
            /delete-node/ partition@84000;
            /delete-node/ partition@f0000;
            /delete-node/ partition@f4000;
            boot_partition: partition@0 {
                label = "mcuboot";
                reg = <0x00000000 0x13000>;
            slot0_partition: partition@13000 {
                label = "image-0";
                reg = <0x13000 0xed000>;
            scratch_partition: partition@100000 {
                label = "image-scratch";
                reg = <0x100000 0x8000>;
            factory_partition: partition@108000 {
                label = "factory-data";
                reg = <0x108000 0x1000>;
            storage_partition: partition@109000 {
                label = "storage";
                reg = <0x109000 0x8000>;
            slot1_partition: partition@111000 {
                label = "image-1";
                reg = <0x111000 0xed000>;
            /* region <0x1fe000 0x2000> is reserved for Telink B91 SDK's data */


    &flash {
        reg = <0x20000000 0x200000>;
        partitions {
            /delete-node/ partition@0;
            /delete-node/ partition@18000;
            /delete-node/ partition@104000;
            /delete-node/ partition@105000;
            /delete-node/ partition@10d000;
            /delete-node/ partition@84000;
            /delete-node/ partition@f0000;
            /delete-node/ partition@f4000;
            boot_partition: partition@0 {
                label = "mcuboot";
                reg = <0x00000000 0x13000>;
            slot0_partition: partition@13000 {
                label = "image-0";
                reg = <0x13000 0xf1000>;
            scratch_partition: partition@104000 {
                label = "image-scratch";
                reg = <0x104000 0x4000>;
            factory_partition: partition@108000 {
                label = "factory-data";
                reg = <0x108000 0x1000>;
            storage_partition: partition@109000 {
                label = "storage";
                reg = <0x109000 0x4000>;
            slot1_partition: partition@10d000 {
                label = "image-1";
                reg = <0x10d000 0xf1000>;
            /* region <0x1fe000 0x2000> is reserved for Telink B91 SDK's data */
  3. Verify and correct the offset (seek) if partitions have been modified or moved. Refer to the CMakeLists.txt and generate_factory_data.cmake.

  4. Optionally, to slightly decrease the swapping time, firmware verification for "slot0" can be disabled by setting the CONFIG_BOOT_VALIDATE_SLOT0=n for "build_mcuboot" in the "connectedhomeip/config/telink/app/bootloader.conf" file. However, this is not recommended.
    For more MCUBoot options please refer to the Bootloader section in chapter 4 of this manual.

OTA Usage:

  1. Build the Linux OTA Provider:

    ./scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/ota-provider-app/linux out/ota-provider-app chip_config_network_layer_ble=false
  2. Run the Linux OTA Provider with OTA image:

    ./chip-ota-provider-app -f zephyr-ota.bin


    • zephyr-ota.bin is the firmware to be updated.

    Please keep this terminal window till the end of test. For "chip-tool" open a separate terminal window.

  3. In a new terminal, provision the Linux OTA Provider using "chip-tool":

    ./chip-tool pairing onnetwork ${OTA_PROVIDER_NODE_ID} 20202021


    • \${OTA_PROVIDER_NODE_ID} is the node id of Linux OTA Provider.
      It is similar to NODE_ID for lighting-app.
      It should be a unique, non-zero value.
  4. Commission device (SeeCommissioning):

    ./chip-tool pairing ble-thread ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} hex:${DATASET} ${PIN_CODE} ${DISCRIMINATOR}
  5. Configure the Matter device with the default OTA Provider:

    ./chip-tool otasoftwareupdaterequestor write default-otaproviders '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "providerNodeID": ${OTA_PROVIDER_NODE_ID}, "endpoint": 0}]' ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} 0
  6. Configure the OTA Provider's access control list (ACL) that grants
    Operate privileges to all nodes in the fabric. This is necessary to enable
    the nodes to send cluster commands to the OTA Provider:

    ./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl '[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null}, {"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 3, "authMode": 2, "subjects": null, "targets": null}]' ${OTA_PROVIDER_NODE_ID} 0
  7. Initiate the DFU procedure in one of the following methods:

    • If you've built the device firmware with -DCONFIG_CHIP_LIB_SHELL=y
      option, which enables Matter shell commands, run the following command
      on the device shell:

      matter ota query
    • Alternatively, use chip-tool to send the "Announce OTA Provider" command to
      the device. The numeric arguments in sequence are: Provider Node ID, Provider Vendor ID, Announcement Reason, Provider Endpoint ID, Requestor Node ID and
      Requestor Endpoint ID.

      ./chip-tool otasoftwareupdaterequestor announce-otaprovider ${OTA_PROVIDER_NODE_ID} 0 0 0 ${DEVICE_NODE_ID} 0

      After the device recognizes the OTA Provider node, it will automatically
      check the OTA Provider for a new firmware image.

Once the firmware image download is complete, the device will restart automatically to apply the update.



  1. Activate environment under the Matter project root directory:

    source ./scripts/activate.sh -p all,telink
  2. Build:

    scripts/build_python.sh -m platform



  1. Activate the Python environment:

    source out/python_env/bin/activate
  2. Launch:

    sudo out/python_env/bin/chip-device-ctrl


  1. Set the active dataset (Note:
    They are different once a new Thread network is generated.
    Please ensure to replace the dataset in the following command with the
    latest one.
    See Get active dataset paragraph in the Border router

    chip-device-ctrl > set-pairing-thread-credential 0e08000000000001000000
  2. Connect via BLE:

    chip-device-ctrl > connect -ble 3840 20202021 ${NODE_ID}
  3. Wait until commissioning is complete. If everything is okay you shall see
    the following message.

    Commissioning complete

Lightbulb control

  1. Toggle the light:

    chip-device-ctrl > zcl OnOff Toggle ${NODE_ID} 1 0

    Configuring factory data for the Telink examples

Factory data is a set of device parameters written to the non-volatile memory
during the manufacturing process. This guide describes the process of creating
and programming factory data using Matter and the Telink platform from
Telink Semiconductor.

The factory data parameter set includes different types of information, such as
device certificates, cryptographic keys, device identifiers, and
hardware. All these parameters are vendor-specific and must be inserted into a
device's persistent storage during the manufacturing process. The factory data
parameters are read at the boot time of a device. Then, they can be used in the
Matter stack and user application (for example, during commissioning).

All of the factory data parameters are protected against modifications by the
software, and the firmware data parameter set must be kept unchanged during the
lifetime of the device. When implementing your firmware, you must ensure that
the factory data parameters are not rewritten or overwritten during the Device
Firmware Update or factory resets, except in some vendor-defined cases.

For the Telink platform, the factory data is stored by default in a
separate partition of the internal flash memory.


You can implement the factory data set described in the
factory data component table in various ways,
as long as the final HEX/BIN file contains all mandatory components defined in the
table. In this guide, the generating factory data
and the
building an example with factory data
sections describe one of the implementations of the factory data set created by
the Telink platform's maintainers. At the end of the process, you get a HEX
file that contains the factory data partition in the CBOR format.

The factory data accessor is a component that reads and decodes factory data
parameters from the device's persistent storage and creates an interface to
provide all of them to the Matter stack and to the user application.

The default implementation of the factory data accessor assumes that the factory
data stored in the device's flash memory is provided in the CBOR format.
However, it is possible to generate the factory data set without using the
Telink scripts and implement another parser and a factory data accessor. This
is possible if the newly provided implementation is consistent with the
Factory Data Provider.
For more information about preparing a factory data accessor, see the section
using own factory data implementation.

Note: Encryption and security of the factory data partition is not provided
yet for this feature.

Factory data component table

The following table lists the parameters of a factory data set:

Key name Full name Length Format Conformance Description
count number of factory binaries 4 B uint32 optional The number of manufacturing partition binaries to generate. Default is 1.
output output directory N/A ASCII string optional Output path where generated data will be stored.
spake2-path spake2 path N/A ASCII string mandatory Provide Spake2+ tool path
chip-tool-path chip tool path N/A ASCII string mandatory Provide chip-tool path
chip-cert-path chip cert path N/A ASCII string mandatory Provide chip-cert path
overwrite overwrite N/A bool optional If output directory exists, this argument allows generating new factory data and overwriting it.
in-tree in Matter tree N/A bool optional Use it only when building factory data from Matter source code.
passcode SPAKE passcode 4 B uint32 optional A pairing passcode is a 27-bit unsigned integer that serves as a proof of possession during the commissioning. Its value must be restricted to the values from 0x0000001 to 0x5F5E0FE (00000001 to 99999998 in decimal), excluding the following invalid passcode values: 00000000, 11111111, 22222222, 33333333, 44444444, 55555555, 66666666, 77777777, 88888888, 99999999, 12345678, 87654321.
spake2-it SPAKE2+ iteration counter 4 B uint32 mandatory A SPAKE2+ iteration counter is the amount of PBKDF2 (a key derivation function) interactions in a cryptographic process used during SPAKE2+ Verifier generation.
discriminator Discriminator 2 B uint16 mandatory A 12-bit value matching the field of the same name in the setup code. The discriminator is used during the discovery process.
commissioning-flow commissioning flow 4 B uint32 optional Device commissioning flow, 0:Standard, 1:User-Intent, 2:Custom. Default is 0. choices=[0, 1, 2]
discovery-mode discovery mode 4 B uint32 optional Commissionable device discovery networking technology. 0:WiFi-SoftAP, 1:BLE, 2:On-network. Default is BLE. choices=[0, 1, 2]
vendor-id vendor ID 2 B uint16 mandatory A CSA-assigned ID for the organization responsible for producing the device.
vendor-name vendor name <1, 32> B ASCII string mandatory A human-readable vendor name that provides a simple string containing identification of device's vendor for the application and Matter stack purposes.
product-id product ID 2 B uint16 mandatory A unique ID assigned by the device vendor to identify the product. It defaults to a CSA-assigned ID that designates a non-production or test product.
product-name product name <1, 32> B ASCII string mandatory A human-readable product name that provides a simple string containing identification of the product for the application and the Matter stack purposes.
hw-ver hardware version 2 B uint16 mandatory A hardware version number that specifies the version number of the hardware of the device. The value meaning and the versioning scheme is defined by the vendor.
hw-ver-str hardware version string <1, 64> B uint16 mandatory A hardware version string parameter that specifies the version of the hardware of the device as a more user-friendly value than that presented by the hardware version integer value. The value meaning and the versioning scheme is defined by the vendor.
mfg-date manufacturing date <8, 10> B ISO 8601 mandatory A manufacturing date specifies the date that the device was manufactured. The date format used is ISO 8601, for example YYYY-MM-DD.
serial-num serial number <1, 32> B ASCII string mandatory A serial number parameter defines a unique number of the manufactured device. The maximum length of the serial number is 32 characters.
enable-rotating-device-id enable rotating device id N/A bool optional Enable Rotating device id in the generated binaries.
rd-id-uid rotating device ID unique ID <16, 32> B byte string mandatory The unique ID for the rotating device ID, which consists of a randomly-generated 128-bit (or longer) octet string. This parameter should be protected against reading or writing over-the-air after initial introduction into the device, and stay fixed during the lifetime of the device.
cert certificate path N/A ASCII string optional The input certificate file in PEM format.
key certificate key path N/A ASCII string optional The input key file in PEM format.
cert-dclrn certificate declaration path N/A ASCII string mandatory The certificate declaration file in DER format.
dac-cert DAC certificate path N/A ASCII string optional The input DAC certificate file in PEM format.
dac-key DAC certificate key path N/A ASCII string optional The input DAC private key file in PEM format.
lifetime certificate lifetime 4 B uint32 optional Lifetime of the generated certificate. Default is 4294967295 if not specified, indicating that certificate does not have a well-defined expiration date.
valid-from certificate start date <8, 19> B ISO 8601 optional The start date for the certificate validity period in format YYYY-MM-DD [ HH:MM:SS ]. Default is the current date.
paa PAA N/A bool optional Use input certificate cert as PAA certificate.
pai PAI N/A bool optional Use input certificate cert as PAI certificate.
offset factory partition offset 4 B uint32 mandatory Partition offset - an address in devices NVM memory, where factory data will be stored.
size factory partition size 2 B uint16 mandatory The maximum partition size.

Factory data format

The factory data set must be saved into a HEX/BIN file that can be written to the
flash memory of the Matter device.

In the Telink example, the factory data set is represented in the CBOR
format and is stored in a HEX/BIN file. The file is then programmed to a device.

All parameters of the factory data set are either mandatory or optional:

  • Mandatory parameters must always be provided, as they are required, for
    example, to perform commissioning to the Matter network.
  • Optional parameters can be used for development and testing purposes. For
    example, the user data parameter consists of all data that is needed by a
    specific manufacturer and that is not included in the mandatory parameters.

In the factory data set, the following formats are used:

  • uint16 and uint32 - These are the numeric formats representing,
    respectively, two-bytes length unsigned integers and four-bytes length
    unsigned integers. This value is stored in a HEX file in the big-endian
  • Byte string - This parameter represents the sequence of integers between 0
    and 255(inclusive), without any encoding.
  • ASCII string is a string representation in ASCII encoding without
  • ISO 8601 format is a
    date format that
    represents a date provided in the YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD format.
  • All certificates stored in factory data are provided in the
    X.509 format.

Enabling factory data support

By default, factory data support is disabled in all Telink examples, and
the Telink devices use predefined parameters from the Matter core, which
you should not change. To start using factory data stored in the flash memory
and the Factory Data Provider from the Telink platform, build an
example with the following option:


Generating factory data

This section describes how to generate a factory data partition image.


Please make sure you have the following tools before using the generator

Build Matter tools

Detailed description

  1. Using the following commands to generate chip-tool, spake2p and chip-cert at

    cd path/to/connectedhomeip
    source ./scripts/activate.sh -p all,telink
    gn gen build/out/host
    ninja -C build/out/host
  2. Add the tools path to \$PATH:

    export PATH="$PATH:path/to/connectedhomeip/build/out/host"

    Preparing factory data partition on a device

The factory data partition is an area in the device’s persistent storage where a factory data set is stored.
This area is configured in the DTS file.

For Matter v1.0-branch branch:
For Matter master branch:
within which all partitions are declared.

To prepare an example that supports factory data, add a partition called factory-data
to the tlsr9518adk80d.dts/tlsr9518adk80d.overlay file. The partition size should be a multiple of one
flash page (for B91 SoCs, a single page size equals 4 kB).

See Flash Layout for an example of a factory data partition in the
tlsr9518adk80d.dts/tlsr9518adk80d.overlay file.

The factory-data partition size has been set to one flash page (4 kB).

Script usage

To use this script, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the connectedhomeip root directory.

  2. Run the script with -h option to see all possible options:

    python scripts/tools/telink/mfg_tool.py -h
  3. Prepare a list of arguments:

    a. Fill up all mandatory arguments:

    --serial-num, --vendor-id, --product-id, --vendor-name, --product-name, --mfg-date, --hw-ver, --hw-ver-str, --enable-rotating-device-id, --spake2-path, --chip-tool-path, --chip-cert-path, --offset, --size

    b. Add output file path:

    --output <output_dir>

    c. Add path to Certificate Declaration (mandatory):

    -cd <path to Certificate Declaration in der format>

    d. Specify which certificate will be used:

    • User:

      --dac-cert <path to DAC certificate in pem format>
      --dac-key <path to DAC key in pem format>
      --cert <path to PAI certificate in pem format>
      --key <path to PAI key in pem format>
    • Generate DAC and PAI:

      --cert <path to PAA certificate in pem format>
      --key <path to PAA key in pem format>

    e. Add the new unique ID for rotating device ID using one of the
    following options:

    • Provide an existing ID:

      --rdid--uid <rotating device ID unique ID>
    • Generate a new ID and provide it:


    f. (optional) Specify your own passcode:

    --passcode <passcode>

    g. (optional) Specify your own discriminator:

    --discriminator <discriminator>

    h. (optional) Add the request to overwrite existing output files:


    i. Specify partition offset and size:

    --offset <partition_address_in_memory>
    --size <partition_size>

    In this command:

    • __ is an address in the device's persistent
      storage area where a partition data set is to be stored.
    • __ is a size of partition in the device's persistent storage
      area. New data is checked according to this value to see if it fits the size.

    Important note:

    For Matter v1.0-branch branch use:

    --offset 0xf4000 --size 0x1000

    For Matter v1.1-branch branch use:

    --offset 0x104000 --size 0x1000

    For latest Matter master branch use:

    --offset 0x107000 --size 0x1000
  4. Run the script using the prepared list of arguments:

    python3 mfg_tool.py <arguments>

    For example, a final invocation of the Python script can look similar to the
    following one:

    $ python3 scripts/tools/telink/mfg_tool.py \
        --vendor-id 0xFFF2 --product-id 0x8001 \
        --serial-num AABBCCDDEEFF11223344556677889900 \
        --vendor-name "Telink Semiconductor" \
        --product-name "not-specified" \
        --mfg-date 2022-12-12 \
        --hw-ver 1 \
        --hw-ver-str "prerelase" \
        --enable-rotating-device-id \
        --pai \
        --key /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-PAI-FFF2-8001-Key.pem \
        --cert /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-PAI-FFF2-8001-Cert.pem \
        -cd /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/certification-declaration/Chip-Test-CD-FFF2-8001.der  \
        --spake2-path /path/to/spake2p \
        --chip-tool-path /path/to/chip-tool \
        --chip-cert-path /path/to/chip-cert
        --out ./factory_data

    As the result of the above example files listed below will be created:

    ├── device_sn.csv
    └── fff2_8001
        └── aabbccddeeff11223344556677889900
            ├── factory_data.bin
            ├── factory_data.hex
            ├── internal
            │   ├── DAC_cert.der
            │   ├── DAC_cert.pem
            │   ├── DAC_key.pem
            │   ├── DAC_private_key.bin
            │   ├── DAC_public_key.bin
            │   └── pai_cert.der
            ├── onb_codes.csv
            ├── pin_disc.csv
            ├── qrcode.png
            └── summary.json
  5. (optional example) Generate 5 factory partitions [Optional argument : --count]

    This will generate 5 unique Factory Data Partition images, for 5 devices we can consider "production batch". For each partition unique data like key, certificate, serial number etc. will be generated.

    $ python3 mfg_tool.py --count 5 -v 0xFFF2 -p 0x8001 \
        --serial-num AABBCCDDEEFF11223344556677889900 \
        --vendor-name "Telink Semiconductor" \
        --product-name "not-specified" \
        --mfg-date 2022-02-02 \
        --hw-ver 1 \
        --hw-ver-str "prerelase" \
        --enable-rotating-device-id \
        --pai \
        --key /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-PAI-FFF2-8001-Key.pem \
        --cert /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/attestation/Chip-Test-PAI-FFF2-8001-Cert.  pem \
        -cd /path/to/connectedhomeip/credentials/test/certification-declaration/    Chip-Test-CD-FFF2-8001.der  \
        --spake2-path /path/to/spake2p \
        --chip-tool-path /path/to/chip-tool \
        --chip-cert-path /path/to/chip-cert

    As the result of the above example files listed below will be created:

    ├── device_sn.csv
    └── fff2_8001
        ├── aabbccddeeff11223344556677889900
        │   ├── factory_data.bin
        │   ├── factory_data.hex
        │   ├── internal
        │   │   ├── DAC_cert.der
        │   │   ├── DAC_cert.pem
        │   │   ├── DAC_key.pem
        │   │   ├── DAC_private_key.bin
        │   │   ├── DAC_public_key.bin
        │   │   └── pai_cert.der
        │   ├── onb_codes.csv
        │   ├── pin_disc.csv
        │   ├── qrcode.png
        │   └── summary.json
        ├── aabbccddeeff11223344556677889901
        │   ├── factory_data.bin
        │   ├── factory_data.hex
        │   ├── internal
        │   │   ├── DAC_cert.der
        │   │   ├── DAC_cert.pem
        │   │   ├── DAC_key.pem
        │   │   ├── DAC_private_key.bin
        │   │   ├── DAC_public_key.bin
        │   │   └── pai_cert.der
        │   ├── onb_codes.csv
        │   ├── pin_disc.csv
        │   ├── qrcode.png
        │   └── summary.json
        ├── aabbccddeeff11223344556677889902
        │   ├── factory_data.bin
        │   ├── factory_data.hex
        │   ├── internal
        │   │   ├── DAC_cert.der
        │   │   ├── DAC_cert.pem
        │   │   ├── DAC_key.pem
        │   │   ├── DAC_private_key.bin
        │   │   ├── DAC_public_key.bin
        │   │   └── pai_cert.der
        │   ├── onb_codes.csv
        │   ├── pin_disc.csv
        │   ├── qrcode.png
        │   └── summary.json
        └── aabbccddeeff11223344556677889903
            ├── factory_data.bin
            ├── factory_data.hex
            ├── internal
            │   ├── DAC_cert.der
            │   ├── DAC_cert.pem
            │   ├── DAC_key.pem
            │   ├── DAC_private_key.bin
            │   ├── DAC_public_key.bin
            │   └── pai_cert.der
            ├── onb_codes.csv
            ├── pin_disc.csv
            ├── qrcode.png
            └── summary.json

Note: By default, overwriting the existing output directory is disabled. This means
that you cannot create a new directory with the same name in the exact
location as an existing file. To allow overwriting, add the --overwrite
option to the argument list of the Python script.

Building an example with factory data

You can manually generate the factory data set using the instructions described
in the Generating factory data section. Another way
is to use the Telink platform build system that creates factory data
content automatically using Kconfig options and includes the content in the
final firmware binary.

To enable generating the factory data set automatically, go to the example's
directory and build the example with the following option:


Alternatively, you can also add CONFIG_CHIP_FACTORY_DATA_BUILD=y Kconfig
setting to the example's prj.conf file.

Each factory data parameter has a default value. These are described in the
Kconfig file. Setting a new value
for the factory data parameter can be done either by providing it as a build
argument list or by using interactive Kconfig interfaces.

Providing factory data parameters as a build argument list

This way for providing factory data can be used with a third-party build script,
as it uses only one command. All parameters can be edited manually by providing
them as an additional option for the west command:


Alternatively, you can add the relevant Kconfig option lines to the example's
prj.conf file.

Programming factory data

The HEX/BIN file containing factory data can be programmed into the device's flash
memory using BDT Tool and the Telink burning key.

Another way to program the factory data to a device is to use the Telink
platform build system described in
Building an example with factory data,
and build an example with the additional option

$ west build -- \

For better understanding various possibilities, see the table below:

Mode (described in the table below (1) (2) (3) (4)
CONFIG_CHIP_FACTORY_DATA_BUILD don't care don't care y n
Mode Description
(1) hardcoded values will be taken
(2) Factory data partition image won't be merged into final binary. Partition image has to be flashed in the other way or a runtime error will be reported on startup, since factory data accessor expects the partition to be in place
(3) Factory data partition image will be created by the build system and merged into the main binary. Recommended for development purposes.
(4) Build system expects externally generated factory data partition image (e.g., generated by the script described in "Script Usage" chapter) at the path used in connectedhomeip/config/telink/chip-module/CMakeLists.txt (e.g., ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/factory/factory_data.bin )

You can also build an example with auto-generation of new CD, DAC and PAI
certificates. The newly generated certificates will be added to factory data set
automatically. To generate new certificates, disable using default certificates
by building an example with the additional option

$ west build -- \

Note: To generate new certificates using the Telink platform build
system, you need the chip-cert executable in your system variable PATH. To
learn how to get chip-cert, go to the note at the end of
Creating a factory data partition with the second script
section, and then add the newly built executable to the system variable PATH.
The Cmake build system will find this executable automatically.

After that, use the following command from the example's directory to write
firmware and newly generated factory data at the same time:

west flash

Using own factory data implementation

The factory data generation process described above
is only an example valid for the Telink platform. You can create a HEX
file containing all Factory data component table in any
format and then implement a parser to read out all parameters and pass them to a
provider. Each manufacturer can implement a factory data set on its own by
implementing a parser and a factory data accessor inside the Matter stack. Use
the Telink Provider
and FactoryDataParser as

You can read the factory data set from the device's flash memory in different
ways, depending on the purpose and the format. In the Telink example, the
factory data is stored in the CBOR format. The device uses the
Factory Data Parser to read
out raw data, decode it, and store it in the FactoryData structure. The
Factor Data Provider
implementation uses this parser to get all needed factory data parameters and
provide them to the Matter core.

In the Telink example, the FactoryDataProvider is a template class that
inherits from DeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider,
CommissionableDataProvider, and DeviceInstanceInfoProvider classes. Your
custom implementation must also inherit from these classes and implement their
functions to get all factory data parameters from the device's flash memory.
These classes are virtual and need to be overridden by the derived class. To
override the inherited classes, complete the following steps:

  1. Override the following methods:

        // ===== Members functions that implement the DeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider
        CHIP_ERROR GetCertificationDeclaration(MutableByteSpan & outBuffer) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetFirmwareInformation(MutableByteSpan & out_firmware_info_buffer) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetDeviceAttestationCert(MutableByteSpan & outBuffer) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetProductAttestationIntermediateCert(MutableByteSpan & outBuffer) override;
        CHIP_ERROR SignWithDeviceAttestationKey(const ByteSpan & messageToSign, MutableByteSpan & outSignBuffer) override;
        // ===== Members functions that implement the CommissionableDataProvider
        CHIP_ERROR GetSetupDiscriminator(uint16_t & setupDiscriminator) override;
        CHIP_ERROR SetSetupDiscriminator(uint16_t setupDiscriminator) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetSpake2pIterationCount(uint32_t & iterationCount) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetSpake2pSalt(MutableByteSpan & saltBuf) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetSpake2pVerifier(MutableByteSpan & verifierBuf, size_t & verifierLen) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetSetupPasscode(uint32_t & setupPasscode) override;
        CHIP_ERROR SetSetupPasscode(uint32_t setupPasscode) override;
        // ===== Members functions that implement the DeviceInstanceInfoProvider
        CHIP_ERROR GetVendorName(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetVendorId(uint16_t & vendorId) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetProductName(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetProductId(uint16_t & productId) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetSerialNumber(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetManufacturingDate(uint16_t & year, uint8_t & month, uint8_t & day) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetHardwareVersion(uint16_t & hardwareVersion) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetHardwareVersionString(char * buf, size_t bufSize) override;
        CHIP_ERROR GetRotatingDeviceIdUniqueId(MutableByteSpan & uniqueIdSpan) override;
  2. Move the newly created parser and provider files to your project directory.

  3. Add the files to the CMakeList.txt file.

  4. Disable building both the default and the Telink implementations of
    factory data providers to start using your own implementation of factory data
    parser and provider. This can be done in one of the following ways:

    • Add CONFIG_CHIP_FACTORY_DATA_CUSTOM_BACKEND=y Kconfig setting to prj.conf
    • Or build an example with following option:

    Power Management for Telink examples

Low power device configuration

Low power configuration options:

  • CONFIG_PM - y or n - should be y to enable the basic Low Power mode
  • CONFIG_CHIP_ENABLE_SLEEPY_END_DEVICE_SUPPORT = y or n - should be y to enable the support for Thread Sleepy End Device, depends on CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_MTD=y

Optional tuning:

  • CONFIG_CHIP_ENABLE_PM_DURING_BLE - y or n - should be y to enable the basic Low Power mode during BLE operation, by default the option is equal to CONFIG_PM
  • CONFIG_TELINK_BUTTON_MANAGER_IRQ_MODE - y or n - should be y to enable buttons processing in an IRQ mode instead of polling mode, by default the option is equal to CONFIG_PM. The option n activates the button polling loop with 10ms polling period.
  • CONFIG_TELINK_ENABLE_APPLICATION_STATUS_LED - y or n - should be n to disable Status LED, by default the option is opposite to CONFIG_PM
  • CONFIG_CHIP_ICD_SLOW_POLL_INTERVAL = 0..65535 - default: 1000 - used to tune Thread Sleepy End Device slow mode poll interval
  • CONFIG_CHIP_ICD_FAST_POLLING_INTERVAL = 0..65535 - default: 200 - used to tune Thread Sleepy End Device fast mode poll interval
  • CONFIG_CHIP_ICD_IDLE_MODE_INTERVAL = 0..65535 - default: 120 - used to tune Thread Sleepy End Device idle mode poll interval
  • CONFIG_CHIP_ICD_ACTIVE_MODE_INTERVAL = 0..65535 - default: 300 - used to tune Thread Sleepy End Device active mode interval
  • CONFIG_CHIP_ICD_ACTIVE_MODE_THRESHOLD = 0..65535 - default: 300 - used to tune Thread Sleepy End Device active mode threshold

The configuration option CONFIG_TELINK_BUTTON_MANAGER_IRQ_MODE requires reconnection of the buttons by the following schematic and requires the external buttons usage in case of using the TLSR9218ADK80d or TLSR9528A EVK.

TLSR9218adk80d EVK pin configuration:

Name Pin
BUTTON_1 PC2 (pin 16 of J20)
BUTTON_2 PC0 (pin 18 of J20)
BUTTON_3 PC3 (pin 20 of J20)
BUTTON_4 PC1 (pin 22 of J20)

TLSR9528A EVK pin configuration:

Name Pin
BUTTON_1 PD1 (pin 10 of J5)
BUTTON_2 PD7 (pin 12 of J5)
BUTTON_3 PD6 (pin 14 of J5)
BUTTON_4 PF6 (pin 29 of J5)

The second side buttons pins need to be connected together and connected to the GND. In case of using TLSR9218ADK80d or TLSR9528A EVK any GND pin on the back side of the board can be selected.

This kind of connection pulls the GPIO up internally and the button event comes by FALLING EDGE on GPIO.

Custom RF power values

Setting max RF power configuration example:

# Custom RF power values

Note: CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_DEFAULT_TX_POWER and CONFIG_B9X_BLE_CTRL_RF_POWER is a value in dBm, valid range: -30 .. 9, default: 3.

Note: CONFIG_CHIP_OPENTHREAD_TX_POWER used in the previous version. Deprecated and removed from the latest SDK.

Note: CONFIG_B9X_BLE_CTRL_RF_POWER was a bool parameter used in the previous SDK version. The parameter type has been changed to integer in the latest SDK version.

Additional peripheral configuration

Each hardware module in the MCU consumes additional power, which is sometimes unwanted. The GPIO, UART, SPI, etc. consumes quite a lot of power, so keeping these peripherals enabled is not a good idea if they are not used. Also, dynamic peripheral configuration can be used in case of external IRQ to keep the peripheral off during sleep.

Here is a table with power consumption of some peripheral in a suspend mode:

Peripheral Power Consumption
UART 180uA
SPI 335uA
I2C 630uA
GPIO 130uA + pu/pd

Power measurements data

By default both of TLSR9 MCUs support deep sleep mode with RAM retention.
TLSR9218ADK80d has 64Kb of retention RAM, TLSR9528a has 96Kb of retention RAM.
The default app used for measurements is Light Switch App, consumes 89Kb of retention RAM.
So the measurement results below contain only the data for TLSR9528a as it has 96Kb of retention RAM.

Telink TLSR9218ADK80d

Power consumption table

The data collected in this table is provided for reference. The standard Matter advertising period, SED interval is used. The data collected by the user can be different because of measurements inaccuracy, project configuration, power supply.
All the data provided in this table was collected with fixed RF power of +2.8db. The LightSwitch sample was used.

Mode Mode Period Power Consumption
BLE Advertisement 60 ms 655uA
BLE Advertisement 150 ms 295uA
BLE Advertisement optional 1000 ms 91uA
BLE Connection Interval 45 ms 785uA
BLE Connection Request 25 ms 11.3mA
BLE Commissioning 8260 ms 3.1mA
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 1000 ms 150.9uA
Thread SED (ICD Fast Polling) 200 ms 535.9uA
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 10000 ms 56.0uA
Thread SED (ICD Fast Polling) 2000 ms 149.7uA
Thread Activity (TRX 96 bytes) 8.6 ms 12.58mA
MCU Suspend All idle time 45.6uA

Calculated lifetime

The basic Matter scenario is waiting for commissioning in BLE mode for only 15 min after power-on. During this period, a 150ms advertisement interval is used. After the 15-min commissioning window closes, the application enters suspend mode indefinitely until an IRQ event or reset occurs.
After successful commissioning, BLE shuts down and the Thread network becomes active. In this scenario, a 1000ms polling interval is used. The battery lifetime can be predicted for both scenarios. However, The user-specific scenarios can't be predicted, because they vary based on user preferences and habits.

Mode Mode Period Current cost Battery Lifetime (100mAh)
Commissioning mode
BLE Advertisement 150 ms 74 uAh
MCU Suspend All idle time 99926uAh 91 day
Thread operation mode
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 1000 ms 151 uAh 27 days
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 10000 ms 56 uAh 74 days

Telink TLSR9528a

Power consumption table

The data collected in this table is provided for reference. The standard Matter advertising period, SED interval is used. The data collected by the user can be different because of measurements inaccuracy, project configuration, power supply.
All the data provided in this table was collected with fixed RF power of +2.8db. The LightSwitch sample was used.

The BLE consumption data below is common for Suspend and Deep Sleep modes:

Mode Mode Period Power Consumption
BLE Advertisement 60 ms 718uA
BLE Advertisement 150 ms 342.6uA
BLE Advertisement optional 1000 ms 158uA
BLE Connection Interval 45 ms 623.7uA
BLE Connection Request 1.95 s 9.6mA
BLE Commissioning 23510 ms 2.27mA

Thread suspend mode:

Mode Mode Period Power Consumption
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 1000 ms 247uA
Thread SED (ICD Fast Polling) 200 ms 715.7uA
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 10000 ms 148.6uA
Thread SED (ICD Fast Polling) 2000 ms 956.8uA
Thread Activity (TRX 96 bytes) 10.2 ms 11.8mA
MCU Suspend All idle time 136.9uA

Thread deep sleep mode:

Mode Mode Period Power Consumption
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 1000 ms 194uA
Thread SED (ICD Fast Polling) 200 ms 997.5uA
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 10000 ms 23uA
Thread SED (ICD Fast Polling) 2000 ms 95.5uA
Thread Activity (TRX 96 bytes) 17.8 ms 10.24mA
MCU Suspend All idle time 4.6uA

Calculated lifetime

The basic Matter scenario is waiting for commissioning in BLE mode for only 15 min after power-on. During this period, a 150ms advertisement interval is used. After the 15-min commissioning window closes, the application enters suspend mode indefinitely until an IRQ event or reset occurs.
After successful commissioning, BLE shuts down and the Thread network becomes active. In this scenario, a 1000ms polling interval is used. The battery lifetime can be predicted for both scenarios. However, The user-specific scenarios can't be predicted, because they vary based on user preferences and habits.

Mode Mode Period Current cost Battery Lifetime (100mAh)
Commissioning mode
BLE Advertisement 150 ms 88 uAh
MCU Suspend All idle time 99926uAh 91 day
Thread operation mode (Suspend)
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 1000 ms 247 uAh 16 days
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 10000 ms 149 uAh 27 days
Thread operation mode (Deep Sleep)
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 1000 ms 194 uAh 21 days
Thread SED (ICD Slow Polling) 10000 ms 95 uAh 43 days

Power measurements graph

Telink TLSR9218ADK80d

BLE advertising mode @ 60ms

BLE advertising mode @ 150ms

BLE advertising active current waveform

BLE connection interval average current @ 45ms

BLE connection interval 1 peak current @ 45ms

BLE connection request current cost

BLE commissioning current cost

Thread SED Active @2000ms SED

Thread SEd Idle @10000ms

Thread Initial Scanning Cost

MCU Suspend current

Telink TLSR9528a

BLE Mode

BLE advertising mode @ 60ms

BLE advertising mode @ 150ms

BLE advertising active current waveform

BLE connection interval average current @ 45ms

BLE connection interval 1 peak current @ 45ms

BLE connection request current cost

BLE commissioning current cost

Thread mode (MCU Suspend)

Thread SED Active @2000ms SED

Thread @10000ms Frame Pending Wait SED

Thread Initial Scanning Cost

MCU Suspend current

Thread mode (MCU Deep Sleep)

Will be provided later.

Using NFC Tags with Telink Examples

NFC Configuration

Enable NFC Functionality:

  • Set CONFIG_CHIP_NFC_COMMISSIONING to y (yes) or n (no). For enabling NFC functionality, it should be set to y.

Optional Tuning:

  • NFC Board Replacement:
    If alternative NFC boards with compatible drivers are available, they can be used.

  • Configuration Adjustments:
    Modify the following in KConfig (located at connectedhomeip/config/telink/chip-module/):

  • For a different NFC board's connection type, change the setting in CHIP_NFC_COMMISSIONING to imply I2C.

  • For a different NFC board model, adjust CHIP_NFC_COMMISSIONING to imply ST25DVXXKC, based on the Zephyr drivers.

Note: The current branch of the Zephyr project does not support NFC devices. Utilize the specific Zephyr branch at this GitHub link for NFC functionality.

NFC Board Hardware Connection

Currently, the Zephyr drivers support only the ST25DVXXKC NFC device. To connect it to the Telink EVK board, use the following pin configurations:

TLSR9218adk80d EVK Pin Configuration:

Name Pin
SCL PE1 (pin 6 of J34)
SDA PE3 (pin 7 of J34)
GND GND (pin 23 of J51)
+3.3V TL_VBAT (pin 15 of J51, without removing jumper)

TLSR9528A EVK Pin Configuration:

Name Pin
SCL PC0 (pin 11 of J3)
SDA PC1 (pin 13 of J3)
GND GND (pin 7 of J17)
+3.3V TL_VBAT (pin 3 of J17, without removing jumper)

Note: For I2C devices, ensure the presence of pull-up resistors. If absent, add external 5kΩ resistors on the SCL and SDA lines.

NFC Usage

Simply tap your smartphone on the NFC tag and select an app (e.g., Google Home) to begin the commissioning process.

Adding a New NFC Board

  1. Choose an NFC board with I2C, SPI, or another interface supported by Telink EVK boards.

  2. Incorporate the new NFC driver into the Zephyr project:
    (zephyr/drivers/nfc/, zephyr/include/drivers/nfc/).

  3. Add the NFC device to Telink DTS (boards/riscv/tlsr9518adk80d/tlsr9518adk80d-common.dtsi) and

  4. Change the NFC device in the Matter project's KConfig

  • For your new NFC board's connection type, adjust the setting in CHIP_NFC_COMMISSIONING to imply I2C.

  • For your new NFC board's model, set CHIP_NFC_COMMISSIONING to imply ST25DVXXKC, following the Zephyr drivers.


Published by
Telink Semiconductor

Bldg 3, 1500 Zuchongzhi Rd,
Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai, China

© Telink Semiconductor
All Right Reserved

Legal Disclaimer{-}

This document is provided as-is. Telink Semiconductor reserves the right to make improvements without further notice to this document or any products herein. This document may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Telink Semiconductor disclaims any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein.

Copyright © 2023 Telink Semiconductor (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


For further information on the technology, product and business term, please contact Telink Semiconductor Company www.telink-semi.com

For sales or technical support, please send email to the address of:



Revision History{-}

Version Change Description

V0.1.0 Preliminary release

V0.2.0 Added section about docker image

V0.2.1 Removed temporary step for Matter project setup

V0.2.2 Added Light-Switch-App

V0.2.3 Fixed markdown lint warnings

V0.2.4 Updated Raspberry Pi image

V0.2.5 Updated docker image

V0.2.6 Updated minimum Ubuntu version to 20.04 LTS

V0.2.7 Updated repos url and added Form Thread network via CLI

V0.2.8 Added OTA section

V0.2.9 Added factory data section

V0.2.10 Added thermostat app and modified URL in factory data section

V0.2.11 Added Flash Layout information

V0.2.12 Update factory data Section

V0.2.13 Update .dts modification

V0.2.14 Update Zephyr branch

V0.2.15 Update power management relative project configs

V0.2.16 Update Zephyr SDK version

V0.2.17 Update docker image repo

V0.2.18 Added bootloader configuration information

V0.2.19 Add power on Factory reset

V0.2.20 Added extended power management information

V0.2.21 Update flash partitions and latest master adaptations

V0.2.22 Added certification info

V0.2.23 Updated RF power and Matter ICD mode data

V0.2.24 Updated bootstrap script usage

V0.2.25 Updated Device Configuration section with openthread configuration

V0.2.26 Add NFC tag support

V0.2.27 Added TLSR9528A deep sleep measurement data

V0.2.28 Added BLE configuration options

V0.2.29 Read HW configuration from device tree.